引用本文:杨经敏,孙丽敏,王杉,姜琛,裴全斌,闫文灿. 硫化学发光检测器型气相色谱仪校准方法探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(4): 90-93, 100.
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1.中国石化北海液化天然气有限责任公司 ;2.中国石化天然气分公司计量研究中心 ;3.中国石化青岛液化天然气有限责任公司
硫化学发光检测器(SCD)因其线性范围宽、高灵敏度等特性,在国内已经大量应用,但目前对硫化学发光检测器型气相色谱仪(GC-SCD)的检定/校准尚属空白。依据JJG 700-2016《气相色谱仪》,结合GC-SCD使用的实际情况,提出了评价GC-SCD计量性能的5项重要校准项目:柱箱温度稳定性、基线噪声、基线漂移、检测限以及定量重复性,并通过评价实例,验证了5项校准项目的可行性和适用性,以期为GC-SCD检定规程或校准规范的制定提供参考。
关键词:  气相色谱仪  硫化学发光检测器  校准项目  校准方法
Discussion on calibration method of gas chromatograph with sulfur chemiluminescence detector
Yang Jingmin1, Sun Limin2, Wang Shan3, Jiang Chen2, Pei Quanbin2, Yan Wencan2
1. Beihai Liquefied Natural Gas Company of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Beihai, Guangxi, China;2. Natural Gas Company Metrological Study Center of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Jinan, Shandong, China;3. Qingdao Liquefied Natural Gas Company of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Sulfur chemiluminescence detector (SCD) has been widely used because of its wide linear range, high sensitivity and so on, but the calibration of gas chromatograph with sulfur chemiluminescence detector (GC-SCD) was still a blank. According to JJG 700-2016 Gas Chromatograph, combined with the actual usage of GC-SCD, five important calibration items for evaluating the measurement performance of GC-SCD were put forward, such as temperature stability of the column oven, baseline noise, baseline drift, limit of detection and quantitative repeatability. The feasibility and applicability of the 5 calibration items were verified through evaluation examples, in order to provide references for the establishment of GC-SCD verification regulation or calibration specification.
Key words:  gas chromatography  sulfur chemiluminescence detector  calibration item  calibration method