引用本文:李克,罗勤,王文华,薛剑,曾文平,王晓琴,等. 天然气在线分析系统性能评价标准现场应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(4): 94-100.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院;2.中国石油塔里木油田分公司 ;3.中国石油四川石化有限责任公司南充炼油厂
关键词:  气相色谱仪  性能评价  气体标准物质
Field application of performance evaluation standard for natural gas online analytical system
Li Ke1, Luo Qin1, Wang Wenhua2, Xue Jian2, Zeng Wenping1, Wang Xiaoqin1, Wu Yongdong3
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. CNPC Talimu Oilfield, Korla, Xinjiang, China;3. PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Nanchong Refinery, Nanchong, Sichuan, China
Natural gas on-line analytical systems are installed on most A-grade (classified according to GB/T 18603-2014) gas station of long distance transportation pipeline. They’re used to measure composition of natural gas, which is the basic data to calculate physical properties, such as calorific value and compression factor. The physical properties are very important for gas trade measurement. Hence, the precision of analytical systems measurement result is important too. Application of natural gas online analysis system performance evaluation standard for natural gas metering station is introduced in this paper. Determination method of composition for reference material is illustrated. Judgment method and example for the qualification of gas chromatograph’s effectiveness, repeatability, resolution and consistency are given. Viewing from the standard application result, some analytical system’s differences between test result and reference gas have exceed the limit of the standard requirement. The difference may introduce 0.05% error to physical property and gas volume. This amount of error can be ignored, since natural gas trade measurement is based on volume now. The precision of analytical system should be improved when energy measurement is adopted in the future. In order to keep the instrument running properly, performance evaluation should be carried out at least once every two years.
Key words:  gas chromatograph  performance evaluation  gas reference material