引用本文:陈兵,巨熔冰,白世星,任科洋,曹双歌. 含杂质超临界-密相CO2管道输送工艺参数优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(4): 101-106, 119.
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CO2输送作为CCUS技术实现的中间环节,承担着将CO2从捕获地输送到封存点的重要任务,结合原油、天然气管道的经验可知,由于管道输送具有输量大、安全可靠性高、连续性强等优势,是目前最主要的CO2输送方式。根据国外40多年的CO2管道输送经验,由于超临界-密相CO2具有类似于液体的高密度和类似于气体的高扩散性与低黏度,被认为是最经济的管道输送方式。以国内某油田30×104 t/a CCUS项目为例,采用Pipephase模拟软件对不同管径的超临界-密相CO2管道在相同入口参数下进行模拟计算,分析研究不同管径下的管道压力、温度、密度与输送距离之间的变化规律,得出含杂质超临界-密相CO2最优管道输送工艺参数,为后续我国CCUS项目推广和发展提供理论依据。
关键词:  超临界-密相  CO2  CCUS  管道输送  Pipephase  工艺参数
Optimization of process parameters for supercritical-dense phase CO2 pipeline transportation with impurities
Chen Bing, Ju Rongbing, Bai Shixing, Ren Keyang, Cao Shuangge
Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
CO2 transportation, as the intermediate link of CO2 capture, usage and storage (CCUS) technology, undertakes the important task of transferring CO2 from capture to storage point. Combined with the experience of crude oil and natural gas pipeline, it can be seen that pipeline transportation has high safety and reliability because of its large volume of transportation. The pipeline transportation has strong continuity and other advantages, which is the most important way to transport CO2. According to the experience of CO2 pipeline transportation in foreign countries for more than 40 years, supercritical-dense phase CO2 was considered to be the most economical pipeline transportation mode because of its high density similar to liquid and high diffusivity and low viscosity similar to gas. Taking the 300 000 t/a CCUS project of a domestic oil field as an example, the supercritical dense phase CO2 pipeline with different pipe diameters was simulated and calculated under the same inlet parameters by using Pipephase simulation software, and the pipeline pressure and temperature under different pipe diameters were analyzed and studied. According to the variation of density and transportation distance, the optimum transportation parameters of supercritical dense phase CO2 containing impurities were obtained, which provided a theoretical basis for the extension and development of CCUS projects in China.
Key words:  supercritical dense phase  CO2  CO2 capture  usage and storage(CCUS)  pipeline transportation  Pipephase  process parameter