引用本文:雷雳光,盖朋波. 石油焦综合利用研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(5): 21-25, 38.
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石油焦是炼厂延迟焦化装置产生的固体产品,由于其“一稳、二低、三高”的特性,广泛用于冶金、化工等工业作为电极或生产化工产品的原料。2017年,国内延迟焦化装置产能12 880×104 t/a,石油焦产量2 721.7×104 t(累计增长3.5%)。对国内石油焦的产量、产地分布及下游用途进行了概述。结合石油焦市场因环保升级而面临的挑战,从原料控制、工艺改进、下游市场开发3个方面对高硫石油焦的出路问题进行思考,重点论述了锅炉燃料、电极材料、制备活性炭材料、石油焦制气、灰渣利用等下游利用方向的研究进展,对石油焦的利用和发展进行了预测和展望。
关键词:  石油焦  综合利用  锅炉燃料  电极材料  活性炭  石油焦制气
Research development of petroleum coke comprehensive utilization
Lei Liguang, Gai Pengbo
Shandong Chambroad Petrochemicals Co., Ltd., Binzhou, Shandong, China
Petroleum coke is a solid product produced by delayed coking unit. Because of the characteristics of stability, low ash, low volatile, high carbon, high sulfur and high heating value, petroleum coke is widely used as raw materials for electrodes or chemical products in metallurgy, chemical industry and other industries. In 2017, the capacity of domestic delayed coking unit was 128.8×106 t/a, the petroleum coke yield was 27.217×106 t (increased cumulatively by 3.5%). The yield, distribution of locations, and downstream application of petroleum coke in China were reviewed. Combined with the challenge of petroleum coke market with the upgrading of environmental protection requirements, the outlet of high sulfur-containing petroleum coke was considered from material control, technology improvement and downstream market development. The research progress of boiler fuel, electrode material, preparation of activated carbon material, petroleum coke gas making, utilization of petroleum coke ash were mainly discussed. The utilization and development of petroleum coke were predicted and prospected.
Key words:  petroleum coke  comprehensive utilization  boiler fuel  electrode material  activated carbon  petroleum coke gas making