引用本文:曲兆光,刘春雨,万宇飞,王文光,唐宁依,黄岩. 垦利油田高黏原油掺稀黏度变化规律[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(6): 86-91.
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关键词:  垦利油田  高黏原油  掺混  黏度  预测  模型
Variation of dilute viscosity of high viscosity crude oil in Kenli Oilfield
Qu Zhaoguang, Liu Chunyu, Wan Yufei, Wang Wenguang, Tang Ningyi, Huang Yan
Tianjin Branch, CNOOC(China) Ltd., Tianjin, China
In order to study the change of viscosity of high viscous crude oil mixed with dilute oil in Kenli Oilfield to meet the requirements of relying high efficiency development, three kinds of normal crude extracted from nearby oilfields are mixed with Kenli viscous crude respectively and are tested in laboratory. The results are compared with the prediction results by the thirteen existing viscosity prediction models, indicating that the various modified models have better prediction effect than the original models as they are taking the interaction between component crude into account. The prediction accuracy by models is worse with the temperature decreases. To the specified viscous crude-solvent mixtures, the modified Cragoe correlation and modified Arrhenius Ⅱ have high prediction accuracy than other models, and the calculated result by the two correlations can be used in the engineering field. When taking a comprehensive analysis on prediction accuracy and prediction stability, the model of modified Arrhenius Ⅱ is recommended for viscosity calculation of Kenli viscous crude-solvent mixtures.
Key words:  Kenli Oilfield  high viscous crude  blending  viscosity  prediction  model