引用本文:谢华昆. 集成清扫技术在硫磺输送系统中的研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(6): 92-97.
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普光天然气净化厂硫磺输送系统采用传统聚氨酯刮刀、高压风刀等清扫器对回程物料进行清理,在使用过程中,经常出现硫磺洒落、粉尘飞扬等情况,造成现场硫磺粉尘浓度超标,存在粉尘爆炸的安全隐患,对生产造成严重影响。通过研究一种集成清扫技术,在皮带输送机头部设置集“皮带清扫、粉尘收纳”于一体的集成清扫装置,将皮带上黏附的硫磺进行清扫,通过物料回收机构将收集箱内硫磺回收至落料管,从最前端将皮带上黏附的硫磺处理掉,有效减少硫磺粉尘污染,保证设备安全平稳运行。试验结果表明,该集成清扫装置运行效果良好,抑尘显著,粉尘质量浓度降至6.1 mg/m3,远小于未安装前25.1 g/m3的现场平均粉尘质量浓度,达到了降低现场落地硫磺和粉尘的目的。
关键词:  硫磺  皮带输送机  集成清扫技术  硫磺粉尘  粉尘质量浓度
Research and application of integrated cleaning technology in sulfur conveying system
Xie Huakun
Natural Gas Purification Plant, Sinopec Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co.,Ltd., Dazhou, Sichuan, China
At present, the sulfur conveying system of Puguang Natural Gas Purification Plant uses the cleaning devices such as the traditional polyurethane scraper and the high pressure wind knife to clean the return material. However, the sulfur dust and dust flying frequently occur during the process, resulting in the elevated sulfur dust concentration in the field and posing safety threat from the possible dust explosion, which would influence the normal operation and production. In this study, an integrated cleaning device was set up at the head of belt conveyer to complete the belt cleaning and dust collecting, which can clean the sulfur adhering on the belt, recover the sulfur in the collection box to the drop pipe through the material recovery mechanism, and remove the sulfur adhering on the belt from the most front end for reducing sulfur dust pollution effectively and ensuring safe and stable operation of equipment. Test results also showed that the integrated cleaning device has good operation effect which remarkably suppresses the dust. The dust mass concentration could reduce to 6.1 mg/m3, which is much smaller than the average dust mass concentrations of 25.1 g/m3 before the installation of the device. It achieves the purpose of reducing the ground sulfur and dust.
Key words:  sulfur  belt conveyor  integrated cleaning technology  sulfur dust  dust mass concentration