引用本文:林富荣,曾天亮. 天然气脱汞吸附剂的制备及其性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 38-44.
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研究以Al2O3颗粒为载体,分别用Cu(NO3)2、Na2S的水溶液和单质S的CS2溶液浸渍,在载体上负载了CuS和单质S,制备了Al2O3-CuS-S天然气脱汞吸附剂。利用扫描电镜能谱分析(SEM-EDS)和X射线衍射检测(XRD)对活性物负载情况进行了表征。Cu2+浸渍液质量分数为18%,S2-浸渍液质量分数为8.1%,S浸渍液质量分数为6%,脱汞剂活性物质负载量最佳;其中CuS质量分数为11.98%,总S质量分数为8.85%。实验测量了脱汞吸附剂的汞容量,考察了进气口汞含量和停留时间对脱汞效果的影响。结果 表明:当进气口汞质量浓度为300 μg/m3,停留时间为2.0 s时,出口汞质量浓度降低到10.35 μg/m3,脱汞率为96.55%,达到工业天然气脱汞要求,可用于工业化生产。 
关键词:  天然气    吸附剂  载体    硫化铜
Preparation and performance evaluation of mercury removal adsorbent for natural gas
Lin Furong, Zeng Tianliang
School of Petrochemical Engineering Changzhou University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Mercury removal adsorbents (Al2O3-CuS-S) are prepared by using Al2O3 as carriers, which carry S and CuS as active substances successfully by soaking in CS2 solution of S and aqueous solution of Cu (NO3)2 and Na2S respectively. The active components are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectrometer(SEM-EDS).When the concentration of Cu2+ dipping solution is 18%, the concentration of S2- dipping solution is 8.1%, and the concentration of S dipping solution is 6%, the mercury removal agent active substance load is optimal; and the content of CuS is 11.98%, and the content of total sulfur is 8.85% in the prepared mercury removal adsorbents. Effect of mercury content at inlet and residence time on mercury removal is investigated in the experiment. The result shows while the inlet mercury content is 300 μg/m3 and the residence time is 2 s, the outlet mercury content is 10.35 μg/m3 and the mercury removal rate is 96.55%, which has reached the mercury removal requirement of industrial natural gas, and can be used in industrial production.
Key words:  natural gas  mercury  adsorbent  carrier  sulfur  copper sulfide