引用本文:李海峰,高铭. LNG罐式集装箱调峰和储气能力建设可行性研究——以辽宁省为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 45-51.
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加强储气和调峰能力建设,是推进天然气产供储销体系建设的重要组成部分。尽快形成与国内消费需求相适应的储气能力,并形成完善的调峰和应急机制,是保障天然气稳定供应、提高天然气在一次能源消费中的比重、推进国内能源生产和消费革命、构建清洁低碳和安全高效能源体系的必然要求。通过对辽宁省内燃气管网的管道长度、储气能力和燃气经营企业的实地勘测与调研,采集了辽宁省内14个城市的燃气使用量数据,并结合 “十二五”期间辽宁省天然气使用情况与天然气调峰储气设施进行对比,结果表明,辽宁省各市天然气从生产侧、供应侧及需求侧通过长输管线、燃气场站、各压力等级管线等联络构成了较为完整的天然气产业链,建设LNG罐式集装箱储气设施从技术性、安全性、先进性均是可行的。提出辽宁省内采用LNG罐式集装箱建设储气能力的可实施建设初步方案及未来展望。 
关键词:  天然气  调峰能力  辽宁省  储气能力  LNG罐式集装箱  建设方案
Feasibility study on peaking and gas storage capacity construction of LNG tank containers in Liaoning Province
Li Haifeng1,2, Gao Ming1
1. School of Energy and Environment, Shenyang Aerospace University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China;2. Liaoning Energy Investment (Group) Co., Ltd., Shenyang, Liaoning, China
Strengthening capacity building of gas storage and peaking regulation is an important part of promoting the construction of natural gas production, supply, storage and sales system. As soon as possible, the formation of the gas storage capacity which is adapted to the domestic consumption demand and the formation of a perfect peak regulation and emergency mechanism are the necessary requirements for ensuring the stable supply of natural gas, increasing the proportion of natural gas in the primary energy consumption, promoting the energy production and consumption revolution in China, and building a clean, low carbon, safe and efficient energy system. The field survey and investigation of gas pipeline network length, gas storage capacity and gas management enterprises in Liaoning Province have been done. Gas consumption data from 14 cities in Liaoning Province has been collected. Combined with the use of natural gas in Liaoning Province during the 12th Five-Year Plan period as well as comparison of peaking and storage facilities of natural gas, the results show that natural gas from the production side, the supply side and the demand side in Liaoning Province has formed a more complete natural gas industry chain through the long transmission pipeline, gas field stations and pressure grade pipelines. It is feasible to build the LNG tank container gas storage facility considering of technical, safety and advancement. The preliminary plan and future prospect of the implementation of LNG tank container construction and storage capacity in Liaoning Province are put forward.
Key words:  natural gas  peak regulating ability  Liaoning Province  gas storage capacity  LNG tank container  construction plan