引用本文:彭峻峰,谢瑜. 加臭工艺在城市燃气中的应用与改进[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 52-54.
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为了确保燃气泄漏及时被发现,在进行民用燃气供应时,必须对民用燃气加臭。目前,民用燃气加臭工艺在西南地区运用十分广泛,以达州市、南充市民用燃气加臭工艺为例,从设备选型、运行状况、管理方式等方面入手,通过对加臭装置的加注量、监测浓度数据的对比分析,发现在加臭剂加注过程中存在加注量过大、浓度不稳定、对环境影响大等需要改进的地方,提出将手动固定频率加注工艺改进为自动适时加注,有效控制后端浓度,降低对大气环境的影响,减少加臭剂的浪费,达到降本增效、确保安全使用燃气的目的。 
关键词:  城市燃气  加臭工艺  改进
Application and improvement of deodorization process in the city gas
Peng Junfeng, Xie Yu
Sichuan Chuangang Gas Group Corporation Limited, Mianyang, Sichuan, China
In order to ensure timely detection of gas leakage, civil gas must be odorized when it is supplied. Civil gas deodorization technology is widely used in southwest China. Taking the deodorization technology of Dazhou City and Nanchong City as an example, the selection of equipment, operation status and management mode were discussed in this paper. The comparative analysis of the dosage of deodorizer and monitoring concentration data has been done. It is found that there are some factors to be improved such as excessive dosage in the dosage of deodorizer, unstable concentration and great environmental impact. In order to reduce the cost and increase efficiency, ensure the safe use of gas, it is proposed to change the manual charging process in fixed frequency to automatical charging timely in order to control the back-end concentration effectively, reduce the atmospheric environment impact, and decrease the waste of deodorant.
Key words:  city gas  deodorization process  improvement