引用本文:蔡佳鑫,林日亿,马强,郭彬,梁金国. 噻吩水热裂解反应机理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 80-85, 90.
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针对注蒸汽开采稠油过程中出现的H2S现象,以稠油中含硫化合物噻吩为研究对象,在室内耐高温高压反应釜中开展了热裂解和水热裂解实验。通过检测反应后的气相产物和液相产物组成,探讨了噻吩热裂解和水热裂解反应的反应路径、断键机理。结果 表明:噻吩水热裂解的主要烃类产物是甲烷和丁烷;噻吩水热裂解的液相中除了大量未反应的噻吩,还包括极少量的烷基噻吩、噻吩基噻吩等噻吩衍生物。质子化作用、一次水解以及二次水解在噻吩水热裂解生成H2S的过程中具有重要作用,C-S键断裂是噻吩水热裂解反应和热裂解反应的重要步骤。 
关键词:  水热裂解  噻吩  反应路径  热裂解
Study on the reaction mechanism of thiophene aquathermolysis
Cai Jiaxin, Lin Riyi, Ma Qiang, Guo Bin, Liang Jinguo
College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong, China
In this paper, aiming at the phenomenon of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) formation in heavy oil recovery by steam injection, thiophene was selected as the model compound, then the experiments of pyrolysis and aquathermolysis were carried out in the reaction kettle with high temperature and high pressure in lab. Based on testing the content of gas products and liquid products, the reaction paths and broken bond mechanism of pyrolysis and aquathermolysis of thiophene were discussed. The results show that the main hydrocarbon products are methane and butane during the aquathermolysis of thiophene; besides a large number of unreacted thiophene, liquid products include a little of alkylthiophene, thienyl-thiophene and some derivatives. The protonation, primary hydrolysis and secondary hydrolysis are very important in the formation of H2S. The cleavage of the C-S bond is an important step in the aquathermolysis and pyrolysis reaction of thiophene.
Key words:  aquathermolysis  thiophene  reaction path  pyrolysis