引用本文:李楠,罗志锋,鄢宇杰,刘卫东,李永寿,汪鹏. 智能控制固体酸SRA-1释放研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(1): 86-90.
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1.中国石化西北油田分公司工程技术研究院;2.“油气藏地质及开发国家重点实验室”·西南石油大学 ;3.新疆克拉玛依富城能源公司;4.中国石油新疆油田分公司采油一厂
介绍了一种新型智能控制释放的固体酸SRA-1,该酸中固体盐酸GS-1的有效质量分数可达到85%以上。研究了携带液HCl浓度、矿化度、黏度、温度和时间对SRA-1释放性能的影响。结果 表明:NaCl对SRA-1的酸释放无明显影响;当携带液HCl的质量分数在12%以上、稠化剂质量分数为0.5‰时,135 ℃下稳定0.5 h后,SRA-1基本不释放;当携带液HCl的质量分数为10%、稠化剂质量分数为0.5‰时,135 ℃下稳定1 h后,SRA-1中GS-1保留率仍在50%以上。因此,SRA-1是一种非常具有潜力、可用于储层深度改造的酸材料。 
关键词:  智能控制  延迟释放  储层改造  深度酸化  固体酸
Study on release of smart controlled solid acid SRA-1
Li Lan1, Luo Zhifeng2, Yan Yujie1, Liu Weidong3, Li Yongshou1, Wang Peng4
1. Engineering Technology Research Institute of Sinopec Northwest Oil Field Branch, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Karamay Fucheng Energy Company, Karamay, Xinjiang, China;4. The First Oil Production Plant, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay, Xinjiang, China
This paper introduces a new solid acid (SRA-1) which can be released through intelligent control. Over 85% content of the SRA-1 is solid hydrochloric acid (GS-1), which is measured by acid-base titration. The impacts of acid concentration, salinity, viscosity, temperature and time on SRA-1 release performance are studied. The results indicate that NaCl has no obvious influence on the SRA-1 release performance, and the SRA-1 can not release in half an hour with the conditions of over 12 wt% HCl, 0.5‰ thickener and 135 ℃. With the conditions of 10 wt% HCl, 0.5‰ thickener, and running for an hour at 135 ℃, the GS-1 retention rate of SRA-1 will maintain over 50%. So the SRA-1 is a potential material which can be used for reform in deep reservoir.
Key words:  smart control  delayed release  reservoir reform  deep acidification  solid acid