引用本文:黄刚华,雷宇,彭银华. 天然气净化厂液硫储罐腐蚀原因分析与防护措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 1-7.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院;2.国家能源高含硫气藏开采研发中心 ;3.中国石油天然气集团公司高含硫气藏开采先导试验基地 ;4.中国石油西南油气田公司川中油气矿龙岗天然气净化厂
以四川某天然气净化厂液硫储罐为例,考察了液硫储罐出现腐蚀的原因。主要采用挂片法,并结合EDS分析,考察了H2S、O2、H2O等因素对腐蚀的影响。同时,考察了热喷铝、喷锌的防腐蚀效果。结果 表明,在无液态水的条件下,液硫对Q235腐蚀轻微,H2S溶解在液膜内以及硫磺沉积是导致储罐顶部腐蚀的主要原因,加强顶部保温是控制腐蚀的有效方法,采用金属喷涂技术值得进一步研究。
关键词:  腐蚀  液硫储罐  H2S  热喷涂  硫磺沉积
Corrosion cause analysis and protective measures of liquid sulfur storage tank in natural gas purification plant
Huang Ganghua1,2,3, Lei Yu4, Peng Yinhua4
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. High Sulfur Gas Exploitation Pilot Test Center, CNPC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;4. Longgang Natural Gas Purification Plant, Central Sichuan Oil and Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Suining, Sichuan, China
Taking a natural gas purification plant in Sichuan as an example, the corrosion cause of the liquid sulfur storage tank was studied. The influence of H2S,O2,H2O and other factors on corrosion was investigated by weight loss method and EDS analysis. The anticorrosion effect of hot spraying aluminum and zinc were studied simultaneously. The results showed that the corrosion of liquid sulfur to Q235 was slight without water. The major reasons for corrosion of top were H2S dissolved in liquid membrane and sulfur deposition. The corrosion could be controlled by strengthening the top insulation, and metal spraying technology deserved further research.
Key words:  corrosion  liquid sulfur tank  H2S  thermal spraying  sulfur deposition