引用本文:王辉,王佩红,高威. 石油天然气装置模块化设计关键概念解析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 8-14, 25.
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自20世纪80年代以来,鉴于模块化建造技术在规避项目建设地劳动力短缺、人力成本过高、环保要求苛刻等不利因素方面所具有的独特优势,发达国家的大型油气工程建设公司已经大量采用这一建造技术,其设计和建造水平发展迅速。目前,国内设计单位尚未完全掌握大型石油化工及天然气处理装置的模块化设计技术,仅在油田地面工程、中小型天然气处理等领域采用了模块化、橇装化设计建造技术,但未形成科学、系统的技术体系。基于此,中国石油天然气集团公司装置模块化设计制造技术研究课题组依托某300×108 m3/a天然气处理厂项目,通过深入研究模块化设计技术,在国内首次对石油天然气装置模块化设计过程中橇块、模块、模/橇块规格、模块化、模块拆分点、管道拆分点、散件等几个关键概念进行了明确定义。实践表明,上述概念内涵丰富,外延明确,实用性强,能够满足装置模块化建造全流程的需要。通过深入解析上述关键概念,有助于工程技术人员理解装置模块化设计的关键概念及其设计原理,从而准确把握装置模块化的设计方向。 
关键词:  石油天然气装置  橇块  模块  模/橇块最大规格  模块化  拆分点  散件
Key concepts analysis of the modular design for petroleum and natural gas device
Wang Hui1, Wang Peihong2, Gao Wei1
1. CNPC East-China Design Institute Co., Ltd., Qingdao, Shandong, China ;2. CNPC Engineering Limited by Share Ltd., Beijing, China
Since 1980s, as the advantage of modular construction technology in avoiding the labor shortage, high human cost and strict environmental requirements of the construction place, some large construction companies of petroleum and natural gas engineering in developed countries have adopted it in quantities of engineer constructions, and their design and construction level both developed rapidly. At present, the modular design technology of large petrochemical industry and natural gas treatment device has not been mastered by domestic design companies. The modular design technology and skids were adopted only in the fields such as oil field ground engineering, medium and small natural gas treatment devices and so on. The scientific and systematic technical system has not been developed. Based on the analysis presented above, the project group of "modular design and construction technology research" of CNPC, based on a project of 300×108 m3/a natural gas treatment plant, has deeply studied the modular design technology, and clearly defined the concepts in the modular design process of petroleum and natural gas devices, including the skid, module, module/skid specification, modularization, module splice, pipe splice, ship loose and so on. The above concepts are rich in content, clear in extension and practical. It can meet the requirements of modular construction process. By analyzing above key concepts, it can help the engineering technicians to understand the basic concepts and principles of modular design, so as to guide them to the correct direction of modular design.
Key words:  petroleum and natural gas device  skid  module  the maximum size of module/skid  modularization  splice  ship loose