引用本文:陈昌介,党占元,刘伟明,曹松涛,康莉,李小云. 炼油厂硫磺回收装置尾气SO2达标排放技术工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 15-19.
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针对硫磺回收装置尾气SO2达标排放问题,开发了SO2超低排放核心技术。通过在克劳斯段采用有机硫水解性能优良的CT6-8钛基硫磺回收催化剂、在尾气加氢反应器中采用CT6-11新型尾气低温水解催化剂和在加氢尾气脱硫系统采用CT8-26加氢尾气H2S深度脱除溶剂,达到了降低装置排放尾气中SO2质量浓度的目的。该技术在塔河炼化公司和中金石化公司成功进行了工业应用,实现了排放烟气中SO2质量浓度分别低至50 mg/m3和31 mg/m3以下的超低排放水平。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  SO2排放  脱硫  尾气处理  催化剂  溶剂  CT6-8  钛基
Industrial application of SO2 in tail gas up-to-standard emission technology for sulfur recovery unit of refinery
Chen Changjie1, Dang Zhanyuan2, Liu Weiming2, Cao Songtao2, Kang Li1, Li Xiaoyun1
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Sinopec Tahe Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Korla, Xinjiang, China
Aiming at the SO2 up-to-standard emission in tail gas of sulfur recovery unit, a new SO2 ultra low emission technology was developed. By using Ti-based catalyst CT6-8 with excellent hydrolysis performance in Claus reactors, the new type low temperature organic sulfur hydrolysis catalyst CT6-11 in tail gas hydrogenation reactor, and H2S deep removal solvent CT8-26 in hydrogenation tail gas desulfurization system, the SO2 mass concentration in tail gas was decreased significantly. The technology was successfully applied in Tahe Refinery Company and Zhongjin Petrochemical Company, and the SO2 mass concentration was reduced to 50 mg/m3 and 31 mg/m3 or lower respectively.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  SO2 emission  desulfurization  tail gas treatment  catalyst  solvent  CT6-8  Ti-based