引用本文:张崇海,李克兵,张宇恒,李广. 炼油厂VOCs回收装置现状分析及技术升级改造[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 33-36.
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随着国家对环境保护的重视,炼油厂挥发性有机化合物的排放标准一再提高,油气处理设施挥发性有机化合物质量浓度排放限值从25 g/m3降至120 mg/m3以下,原有油气回收装置已逐渐难以适应。介绍了炼油厂油气回收装置常用的工艺方法,并针对新的排放标准提出技术升级改造方案。经过第一阶段改造后,出口非甲烷总烃质量浓度达到73 mg/m3以下,装置的去除效率达到99.96%。
关键词:  油气回收  排放标准  膜分离法  变压吸附法  复合吸附剂床层
Status analysis and technical upgrading transform of VOCs recovery unit in refinery
Zhang Chonghai1, Li Kebing1, Zhang Yuheng2, Li Guang2
1. Sichuan Tianyi Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China ;2. PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
With more and more attention to environmental protection, the emission standard of volatile organic compounds in refineries has been continuously improved. The mass concentration emission limit of volatile organic compounds for oil and gas treatment facilities has been reduced from 25 g/m3 to less than 120 mg/m3. Therefore, it is difficult for existing oil and gas recovery devices to adapt to current situation. Some common processes of oil and gas recovery unit in refinery were introduced, and a technical upgrading and transformation scheme which could meet new standard of volatile organic compounds emission was proposed. After the first stage of transformation, the mass concentration of non-methane hydrocarbons was less than 73 mg/m3, and the removal rate of volatile organic compounds reached 99.96%.
Key words:  oil and gas recovery  emission standard  membrane separation method  pressure swing adsorption method  composite adsorbent bed