引用本文:徐飞,贺晓敏,曾云东,向里,汪年斌,郑植. 龙王庙净化厂加氢尾气处理装置运行优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 37-44.
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中国石油西南油气田公司重庆天然气净化总厂遂宁龙王庙天然气净化厂3列加氢尾气处理装置建成后一次性投产成功,经过半年多的试运行,顺利通过性能考核。结合装置试运行阶段和目前的生产状况,总结分析并优化提出了该尾气处理装置的最佳工艺控制参数:在线燃烧炉燃料气与低压蒸汽的质量比为1∶2、急冷塔出口过程气中H2体积分数为0.5%~2%、急冷塔出口酸水pH值为6.5~7.5、反应器入口温度为210~230 ℃、吸收塔进料气温度比贫液入塔温度低1~2 ℃、再生塔塔顶温度约为110 ℃等。根据运行过程中存在的问题,提出了建议和措施,以确保龙王庙净化厂加氢尾气处理装置的安全平稳运行。 
关键词:  加氢  尾气处理装置  性能考核  控制参数  燃烧炉  急冷塔
Operation optimization of hydrogenation tail gas treatment unit in Longwangmiao Purification Plant
Xu Fei, He Xiaomin, Zeng Yundong, Xiang Li, Wang Nianbin, Zheng Zhi
Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Suining, Sichuan, China
The three-row hydrogenation tail gas treatment unit of Suining Longwangmiao Purification Plant, which belongs to Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, was built and put into operation successfully. After more than half a year's trial operation, it passed the performance evaluation smoothly. Combining with the trial operation stage and current production status of the unit, the optimal process control parameters of the tail gas treatment unit were summarized, analyzed and optimized as follows:the mass ratio of fuel gas to low pressure steam in the online combustion furnace was 1∶2, the hydrogen volume fraction in the quench tower outlet was 0.5%-2%, the pH value of acid water at the quench tower outlet was 6.5-7.5, the inlet temperature of the reactor was 210-230 ℃, and the absorber inlet temperature of the feed gas was lower of 1-2 ℃ than that of the lean liquid. The top temperature of the regenerator was about 110 ℃. The suggestions and measures were put forward to ensure the safe and stable operation of the hydrogenation tail gas treatment unit in Longwangmiao Purification Plant.
Key words:  hydrogenation  tail gas treatment unit  performance assessment  control parameter  combustion furnace  quench tower