引用本文:罗子萱,徐华池,袁满. 天然气掺混氢气在家用燃气具上燃烧的安全性及排放性能测试与评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 50-56.
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面对日益严峻的能源短缺和环境恶化问题,氢能作为绿色、高效且具有可持续性的柔性二次能源被广泛关注和研究。借鉴欧洲的电转气技术(power to gas),将可再生能源电解制成氢气后,以一定比例掺入到天然气管网中供给居民使用,被认为是改善城镇燃气质量与烟气排放的有效途径之一。因此,基于互换性理论分析了掺氢天然气作为家用燃气具燃料的掺氢比例,并基于12T基准天然气测试与验证了掺氢天然气在家用燃气具上燃烧的安全性能与排放性能。研究结果表明:①掺氢比例体积分数不应高于20%;②掺氢天然气在家用燃气具中燃烧的点火率、火焰稳定性与烟气排放性能全部合格,未发现安全性问题;③家用燃气具的烟气排放指标满足标准要求,并且随着氢气的体积分数增加,烟气中CO与NOx排放量有所降低。 
关键词:  电转气  氢气  天然气  家用燃气具  安全性  烟气排放
Safety and emission performance test and evaluation of natural gas mixed with hydrogen combustion on domestic gas appliances
Luo Zixuan1, Xu Huachi1, Yuan Man2
1. Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, Tsinghua University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. School of Electrical Engineering and Information of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In the face of increasingly severe energy shortage and environmental degradation, hydrogen energy, as a green, efficient, sustainable and flexible secondary energy, has been widely studied. Depends on power to gas technology in Europe,hydrogen by electrolyzing from renewable energy will be blended into natural gas, which is considered to be one of the effective ways to improve the quality of the gas and the fume emission. Therefore, based on the gas interchangeability theory, the hydrogen proportion is determined, and the safety and emission performance of natural gas mixed with hydrogen on domestic gas appliances is tested based on 12T reference natural gas. The results show that:(1) the ratio of hydrogen could not be higher than 20%; (2) the ignition rate, the flame stability and the fume emission performance of natural gas blended with hydrogen on domestic gas appliances are all qualified, and no safety problems are found; (3) the fume emission of domestic gas appliances all meets the standard requirements, and the CO and NOx content faces a downward trend with the hydrogen increasing.
Key words:  power to gas  hydrogen  natural gas  domestic gas appliance  safety  fume emission