引用本文:孔令伟. 二氧化碳在CH4-CO2二元体系中的冰点预测[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 45-49.
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采用深冷工艺回收天然气中的乙烷时,脱甲烷塔塔顶及冷箱处的温度较低,容易发生CO2冻堵。研究固体CO2在CH4-CO2二元体系中的形成规律,有助于优化深冷分离工艺,避免CO2冻堵,同时降低冷能消耗。修正了纯组分CO2的饱和蒸气压的通用关联式,以预测二元气相体系中固体CO2的形成温度,并与陈赓良-朱利凯模型关联式计算、HYSYS软件计算及Aspen Plus软件计算的CO2固体形成温度进行了比较。结果 表明,修正后的计算模型准确度较高,与Agrawal的实验数据的平均偏差在2 ℃以内。同时,根据Kurata实验数据拟合出CH4-CO2二元液相体系中CO2固体形成温度关联式,并与文献经验公式、HYSYS软件计算及Aspen Plus软件计算的CO2固体形成温度进行了比较。结果 表明,该计算模型与实验数据吻合度非常高,与Kurata的实验数据的平均偏差在1 ℃以内,且具有广泛的通用性。 
关键词:  天然气  CO2  冰点  HYSYS  Aspen Plus  关联式
Prediction of CO2 freezing point temperature in CH4-CO2 binary system
Kong Lingwei
Beijing Huanqiu Corporation(HQBJ), China Huanqiu Contracting & Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
During recoverying ethane from natural gas in cryogenic process, CO2 in natural gas mixtures easily forms into frost and causes plugging problems due to the low temperature in top of the demethanizer and the cold box. Regularity for the freezing point temperature of CO2 in CH4-CO2 binary system is studied and it can help engineers to optimize the cryogenic separation process and avoid CO2 freezing, and then reduce consumption of cold energy. For this propose, the saturated vapor pressure correlation of pure component CO2 is modified to predict the temperature of CO2 freezing point in vapor phase. The calculation results using the literature correlation, HYSYS software, Aspen Plus software, and correlation raised in this paper are compared with the Agrawal experimental data. The results show that this correlation has higher accuracy which the average deviation is within 2 ℃. In addition, a correlation for CO2 solid formation temperature in the CH4-CO2 binary liquid system is given. Compared with Kurata experimental data, the correlation has the highest accuracy which the average deviation is within 1 ℃, and has wide generality.
Key words:  natural gas  CO2  freezing  HYSYS  Aspen Plus  correlation