引用本文:朱维耀,刘青,岳明,张燎原. 考虑支撑剂裂缝导流能力计算及缝内支撑剂运移模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 75-78.
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裂缝导流能力是影响油气田产能的重要因素。根据支撑剂的最密排列以及Carman-Kozeny公式,结合弹性力学的相关知识,建立了考虑铺砂浓度、闭合压力、支撑剂粒径、支撑剂材料以及支撑剂嵌入的裂缝导流能力计算模型。结果 表明:随着铺砂浓度的增加、支撑剂粒径的变大,裂缝的导流能力增大;低闭合压力的情况下支撑剂嵌入壁面对导流能力影响非常小,而在高压下支撑剂嵌入对导流能力影响稍大。该计算模型很好地结合了上述导流能力的影响因素,为油气田压裂生产提供了理论依据。
关键词:  导流能力  支撑剂直径  铺砂浓度  数值模拟
Calculation of fracture conductivity considering proppant influence and simulation of proppant transport in fracture
Zhu Weiyao1, Liu Qing1, Yue Ming1, Zhang Liaoyuan2
1. Civil and Resources Engineering School, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China;2. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Shengli Oilfield Company, Dongying, Shandong, China
The fracture conductivity greatly affects the production capacity of oil gas field. Based on the hexagonal closest packing assumption of proppant, theory of elasticity and Carman-Kozeny formula, a mathematical model of fracture conductivity is established, with taking sand concentration, closure pressure, proppant diameter, proppant material and proppant embedment into account. The result shows that the improved conductivity will achieve with an increased sanding concentration and proppant particle size. The proppant-embedded wall has a very small influence on the conductivity when the pressure is low, and the proppant embedding has a slightly greater influence on the conductivity at high pressure.The calculation model combines the factors affecting the fracture conductivity very well, and provides a theoretical basis for the fracturing development of oil and gas field.
Key words:  fracture conductivity  proppant diameter  sand concentration  numerical analogue