引用本文:曾嵘,马辉运,李金穗,吴双,陈伟华,王茜. 川东地区超深超高温储层高温胶凝酸酸岩反应动力学室内研究与实践[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 79-84.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司工程技术研究院 ;2.中国石油西南油气田公司勘探事业部 ;3. 国家能源高含硫气藏开采研发中心
酸岩反应动力学参数是分析酸岩反应特征、评价酸液体系及酸压设计的关键基础参数,为正确分析酸岩反应速率规律、指导酸压施工设计提供基础。通过开展用于四川盆地川东下古生界-震旦系的180 ℃高温胶凝酸酸岩反应动力学实验,建立了酸岩反应动力学方程,得到了180 ℃、500 r/min、7 MPa条件下,酸岩反应级数m=0.696 9,反应速度常数K=1.09×10-4(mol·L)-m·mol/(cm2·s),反应速度方程为J=1.09×10-4C0.696 9;其活化能Ea=23 706 J/mol,酸岩反应动力学方程为J=0.070 5e-23 706/RTC0.696 9;并明确了胶凝酸的温度、酸液浓度对反应速度的影响程度。
关键词:  酸岩反应  动力学方程  反应级数  反应速率  活化能
An experimental study on kinetics of acid-rock reaction for carbonate reservoir in Sinian system of east Sichuan Basin
Zeng Rong1,3, Ma Huiyun1, Li Jinsui1,3, Wu Shuang2, Chen Weihua1,3, Wang Xi1,3
1. Engineering Technology Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Exploration Division of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. National Energy High-Sour Gas Reservoir Exploitation and R&D Center, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Kinetics parameters of acid-rock reaction are basic parameters to analyze the character of acid-rock reaction, and evaluate the acid liquid system and acid pressure design, which provide the basis of analyzing reaction rate correctly and guiding acidizing/acid fracturing design. By conducting the kinetics experiments of jel acid/rock reaction at 180 ℃ in Sinian system of east Sichuan basin, the acid-rock reaction kinetics equation can be established. The results show that under the conditions of 180 ℃, 500 r/min, 7 MPa, acid/rock reaction order m=0.696 9, reaction rate constant K=1.09×10-4(mol·L)-m·mol/(cm2·s), reaction rate equation is J=1.09×10-4C0.696 9, its activation energy Ea=23 706 J·mol-1, the acid rock kinetic equation is J=0.070 5e-23 706/RTC0.696 9. The effects of the temperature and concentration of jel acid on the reaction speed are determined.
Key words:  acid-rock reaction  acid-rock kinetics equation  reaction order  reaction rate  activation energy