引用本文:张风义,廖辉,杨东东,吴婷婷,葛涛涛,杜春晓,等. 海上深层块状特稠油SAGD开发三维物理模拟实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 90-94.
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针对海上深层特稠油油藏LD油田埋藏深、原油黏度大、地层压力高、油藏模式复杂,国内外无开发先例借鉴的问题,依据相似准则,建立了高温高压填砂模型,采用三维物理模拟实验,开展了不同SAGD热采方式评价研究。结果 表明,特稠油油藏采用先期蒸汽吞吐开发后适时转为SAGD开发的热采方式可有效利用蒸汽在低压下体积大、热焓值高的物理特点,能充分发挥SAGD热采优势,最终采收率比在油藏压力下直接采用SAGD开发的方式提高19.8%。
关键词:  特稠油  深层油藏  SAGD  三维物理模拟  开发方式
Research on 3D physical simulation experiment of extra-heavy oil by SAGD development method
Zhang Fengyi, Liao Hui, Yang Dongdong, Wu Tingting, Ge Taotao, Du Chunxiao, Geng Zhigang
Bohai Petroleum Research Institute, Tianjin Branch, CNOOC China Limited, Tianjin, China
LD oilfield is an extra-heavy oil reservoir, it has some problems such as deep burial, large viscosity, high reservoir pressure and complex reservoir mode and there is no development experience to learn from. Therefore, to solve the problem of thermal recovery mode selection, a high temperature-high pressure sand-packed model was built, and two different steam assisted gravity drainage(SAGD) development methods were studied by 3D physical simulation experiments. The results indicated that the thermal recover method by steam stimulation development was used first, then by SAGD timely, which could effectively use the characters of large volume at low pressure and high enthalpy value in steam, and take full advantages of SAGD method. And the ultimate recovery rate is higher than that of directly using SAGD development at oil reservoir pressure, and the stimulation thermal recovery rate increased by 19.8%.
Key words:  extra-heavy oil  deep burial reservoir  SAGD  3D physical simulation  development method