引用本文:青鹏,徐岭灵,黄元和,周锋,崔小君,李怡,等. 元坝气田产出水集输系统腐蚀特征及防护措施实践[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 85-89, 94.
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元坝气田是国内首个超深高含硫生物礁大气田,高产量的同时也伴随大量产出水。随着开发的进行,腐蚀问题日渐明显。介绍了元坝气田产出水集输系统的腐蚀问题及防护措施实践:按腐蚀破坏形态分类,目前元坝气田产出水集输系统的腐蚀属于局部腐蚀;抗硫碳钢无法在高含硫气田产出水集输系统单独使用,添加缓蚀剂可以使抗硫碳钢的使用寿命延长;管道停运期间因介质不均匀性增强,易导致腐蚀加剧。此外,气田开发生产过程中,因传统的定点在线腐蚀监测技术对点蚀、孔蚀等局部腐蚀受限,应全面引入射线检测、超声波测厚等无损检测手段,弥补定点监测的缺陷。 
关键词:  高含硫气田  防腐  局部腐蚀  产出水集输系统
Corrosion characteristics and protective measures of water gathering system in Yuanba Gasfield
Qing Peng, Xu Lingling, Huang Yuanhe, Zhou Feng, Cui Xiaojun, Li Yi, Gong Xiaoping
The Second Gas Production Plant, Southwest Oil and Gas Company of Sinopec Group, Langzhong, Sichuan, China
Yuanba Gasfield is the first ultra-deep high-sulfur reef gas field in China. The high yield is accompanied by a large amount of water, the corrosion problems along with reservoir development have increased obviously. For this reason, the corrosion problems and corresponding protective measures of the water gathering system in Yuanba Gasfield are introduced. According to the classification of corrosion damage, the corrosion of the water gathering system in Yuanba Gasfield is local corrosion. The sulfur-resistant carbon steel cannot be used alone in the water gathering system in high-sulfur gas field, but when the sulfur-resistant carbon steel was added with corrosion inhibitor, its service life may be prolonged. The corrosion problems are noted due to increased media non-uniformity during pipelines outages. In addition, in the development and production process of high-sulfur gas fields, traditional online corrosion monitoring technology can not discover local corrosion such as pitting corrosion in time, therefore non-destructive testing methods like radiation detection and ultrasonic thickness measurement are introduced to complement fixed-point detection.
Key words:  high-sulfur gas field  corrosion protect  local corrosion  water gathering system