引用本文:秦雅琦,李玉星,韩辉,王武昌,杨洁. 障碍物对大型LNG储罐泄漏蒸气扩散影响的模拟研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(2): 103-110.
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全球液化天然气(LNG)需求日益增长,其储存与运输过程中泄漏扩散致灾是LNG安全利用的关键。通过建立大型LNG 储罐泄漏的三维数值模型,基于国家规范设计挡板和3种围堰,利用Fluent软件,对不同障碍物情况气云扩散的规律进行模拟计算分析。结果 表明:在扩散初期,围堰高度对于阻挡气云向外扩散起决定性作用,能够有效地推迟气云在下风方向的扩散进程,设置的围堰可推迟气云的扩散行为3~6 min;当在下风向设置挡板时,气云在下风向的扩散距离增加了5.2%,没有达到抑制气云扩散的效果;通过改变围堰的长宽比,可以加强对气云扩散行为的抑制作用。该数值计算结果为设计优化LNG罐区围堰与挡板提供了理论依据,为应急程序的制定提供了理论支持。 
关键词:  LNG储罐  泄漏扩散  Fluent  障碍物  数值模拟
Numerical simulation of influence of barrier on vapor cloud dispersion from large-scale LNG tank
Qin Yaqi1,2, Li Yuxing1,2,Han Hui1,2, Wang Wuchang1,2,Yang Jie1,2
1. College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering of China University of Petroleum (Huadong), Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. Provincial Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Safety in Shandong Province, China University of Petroleum (Huadong),Qingdao, Shandong, China
The increasing importance of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to global energy demand has increased interest in possible hazards associated with its storage. In this paper, a model of vapor dispersion from large-scale LNG tank was established using three-dimensional numerical simulations. Baffle and three sizes of cofferdams were designed for optimization researches. Under low wind speed condition, simulations were conducted to investigate the effects of barriers on the vapor cloud dispersion by using Fluent software. The results showed that, at the start of dispersion, the height of cofferdam was identified to be the key factor in blocking vapor dispersion in the horizontal direction and the cofferdam would delay the vapor dispersion by 3-6 min. However, baffle does not make the downwind dispersion distance shorter, but increase the distance by 5.2%. The findings and analysis presented here will serve as an important theoretical support for LNG plant safety design and emergency procedures.
Key words:  LNG tank  dispersion  Fluent  barrier  numerical simulation