引用本文:杨晖,张皓兴,董冰艳,孙正阳,王锐,江苑菲. 某LNG接收站冷能用作区域供冷系统冷源探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 39-44, 50.
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设计了应用LNG冷能作为区域供冷冷源的系统流程。采用Aspen Plus流程模拟软件计算分析了某LNG接收站在设计工况下的可利用冷量。针对供冷对象分别为办公建筑和有自然冷源供冷的数据中心,分析了10种不同输送距离下,该区域供冷系统的经济性和环境效益。研究结果表明:当输送距离在20 km以内时,应用LNG冷能的区域供冷系统比传统分布式电制冷系统更节能减排,具有一定的环境效益;当输送距离为6 km时,用于办公建筑和有自然冷源供冷的数据中心的投资回收期分别为1.77年和0.43年;当输送距离为16 km时,用于办公建筑和有自然冷源供冷的数据中心的投资回收期分别为12.86年和3.15年。
关键词:  LNG冷能  区域供冷系统  投资回收期  节能
Feasibility study of LNG cold energy used as cold source of district cooling system
Yang Hui1, Zhang Haoxing1, Dong Bingyan1, Sun Zhengyang2, Wang Rui1, Jiang Yuanfei1
1. Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing Municipality Key Lab of Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Engineering, Beijing, China;2. China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
In this paper, a district cooling system is designed to utilize cold energy releasing from liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification process as cold source. Aspen Plus code is employed to simulate the usable amount cold energy of a real LNG receiving terminal in the design condition. For the air conditioning system of data center with natural cold providing cooling and the office, the cold energy supply, investment and system operational energy consumption for ten district cooling schemes with different pipeline transmission distances are calculated. Comparing with the distributed electrical refrigerating system, the economic feasibility for these ten schemes is analyzed. The results show that when the pipeline transmission distance is less than 20 km, the district cooling system using LNG cold energy as cold resources consumes less energy as well as releases less CO2,which has a certain environmental benefits. When the pipeline transmission distance is 6 km, the investment payback period for office building or data center with natural cold providing cooling would be 1.77 years or 0.43 years respectively. When the pipeline transmission distance is 16 km, the investment payback period would be 12.86 years and 3.15 years.
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