引用本文:马敏吉,李庆华. 小型LNG运输船装船过程BOG产生量的计算[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 45-50.
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采用流程模拟软件稳态模块建立小型LNG运输船装船工艺BOG产生量的计算模型,研究LNG原料储罐操作压力、运输船储罐操作压力等因素对装船工艺BOG产生量的影响趋势。并利用流程模拟软件动态模块建立装船工艺的动态模型,模拟LNG运输船船舱储罐温度、压力、回气量等参数随装船时间的变化。模拟结果分析得出:LNG运输船船舱操作压力与LNG原料储罐操作压力的相对差值是决定是否产生BOG的关键参数;合理选择船舱储罐的操作压力,可同时实现LNG供应方和购买方双方共赢的效果。 
关键词:  小型LNG运输船  操作压力  BOG  稳态模拟  动态模拟
BOG calculation for the small LNG carrier loading process
Ma Minji, Li Qinghua
Wuxi Houde Petro-Chemical Engineering Design Co., Ltd., Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
The calculation model of BOG production in the loading process of small LNG carrier has been established by using the steady-state module of the process simulation software, and the influence trend of the factors such as the operating pressure of storage tank at LNG receiving station and the operating pressure of storage tank on the BOG production of the loading process has been studied. The dynamic model of loading process has been established by using the dynamic module of process simulation software. The parameters of storage tank temperature, pressure and BOG return during the loading process is simulated. The simulation results show that the operation pressure difference between LNG carrier storage tank and LNG tank is the key parameter to influence BOG produced or not, and the LNG carrier storage tank reasonable operation pressure could achieve win-win results for both suppliers and purchasers of LNG.
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