引用本文:蒋贤,杜建芬,刘煌,郭平,王超祥. 管输原油饱和蒸气压实验测定与模拟预测[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 86-90.
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管输原油饱和蒸气压是实现对原油进行有效运输的重要基础参数。采用参比法测定了我国某油田5个管输原油样品在37.8 ℃、45.0 ℃、50.0 ℃、55.0 ℃和60.0 ℃下的饱和蒸气压。实验结果表明,随着温度升高,原油饱和蒸气压快速上升。当温度从37.8 ℃升高到60.0 ℃时,原油饱和蒸气压的增幅都大于80%。进一步的分析表明,除温度外,原油中C7~C15的组分含量是影响管输原油饱和蒸气压的重要因素,这些组分总含量的增加会在一定程度上降低管输原油的饱和蒸气压。在此基础上,针对目标油田管输原油,建立了综合考虑温度、原油基础物性的饱和蒸气压预测关联式。模拟值与实验值吻合良好。 
关键词:  管输原油  饱和蒸气压  温度  预测关联式  参比法
Experimental measurement and simulation for saturated vapor pressure of pipeline crude oil
Jiang Xian, Du Jianfen, Liu Huang, Guo Ping, Wang Chaoxiang
State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
To efficiently transport pipeline crude oils, obtaining the saturated vapor pressure of oils is very important. In this work, we sampled five pipeline crude oils from one domestic oilfield, and then by using the reference method, the saturated vapor pressure of these five oils were measured under the temperatures of 37.8 ℃,45.0 ℃,50.0 ℃,55.0 ℃ and 60.0 ℃. The experimental results showed that the saturated vapor pressure of pipeline crude oils increased rapidly with the increase of temperature. With the temperature increased from 37.8 ℃ to 60.0 ℃, the increments of saturated vapor pressures of all five samples were more than 80%. Besides temperature, the concentration of components with the carbon number from 7 to 15 in the oil is another significant factor which affects the saturated vapor pressure of pipeline crude oils. The higher concentration of these components is, the lower saturated vapor pressure of pipeline crude oils has. Furthermore, a correlation for predicting the saturated vapor pressure of pipeline crude oils of the aimed oil field was developed, in which both the temperature and basic physical properties of the oil were considered. The simulated results agreed well with the experimental results.
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