引用本文:王强,杨培培,乔亚芬. 基于Top-down法评估天然气中组分测量不确定度[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 98-103.
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由不同的检验人员在盲样的情况下,不同时间、随机的环境条件和不同的设备,采用GB/T 13610-2014《天然气的组成分析 气相色谱法》规定的方法,历时200天随机测量核查样品(CS样品),通过对所得数据的正态性、偏倚、CS样品有效性和单值移动极差(I-MR)控制图分析,在整个测量系统处于受控状态下进行Top-down法不确定度评定。得出结论:所得各个组分的测量期间精密度大于测量的重复性、小于GB/T 13610-2014要求的再现性,不确定度评定合理;由于CS样品自身的不确定度相对期间精密度较大,应考虑由此引入的偏倚不确定度。 
关键词:  不确定度  天然气  控制图法  Top-down
Uncertainty evaluation of determination of components in natural gas by using Top-down method
Wang Qiang1,2, Yang Peipei1,2, Qiao Yafen1,2
1. National Center for Quality Supervision and Inspection of CBM Products(Shanxi), Jincheng, Shanxi, China;2. Jincheng Quality Technical Supervision and Testing Institute, Jincheng, Shanxi, China
The CS samples were randomly measured by different inspectors in the blind sample, at different time, random environment conditions and different equipments, and using the GB/T 13610-2014 Analysis of Natural Gas Composition-Gas Chromatography Method. Through the test of normality, bias, the check standard sample (CS sample) validity and the single value I-MR control chart, the uncertainty by using Top-down method is evaluated under the controlled state of the whole measurement system. It is concluded that the period precision of each component in the measurement is larger than the repeatability of measurement and smaller than the reproducibility required by GB/T 13610-2014, so the uncertainty evaluation is reasonable. The bias uncertainty component can not be ignored according to the uncertainty of the CS sample, which is relatively high.
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