引用本文:陈兵,郭焕焕,崔维刚,肖红亮. 含杂质CO2管道泄漏扩散模拟分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 104-109.
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管道输送是CCUS技术中最为重要的一环,CO2泄漏扩散的高浓度窒息性和少量毒性气体杂质是最重要的潜在危害,安全性是其重要指标。利用PHAST软件对CO2及其杂质H2S在多因素耦合作用下对管道泄漏扩散进行了模拟计算分析,得出最危险工况。并对CO2管道输送的危险工况进行模拟计算分析,得出CO2及H2S气体扩散的最大安全距离,选定合适的截止阀间距。定量分析评价了CO2管道输送的安全性,对CO2输送管线标准的制定具有借鉴意义。 
关键词:  CO2泄漏  危险范围  扩散  安全
Simulation analysis of leakage and diffusion of carbon dioxide with impurities
Chen Bing, Guo Huanhuan, Cui Weigang, Xiao Hongliang
Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Pipeline transportation is the most important part of CCUS technology while the high concentration of suffocating carbon dioxide leakage and a small amount of toxic gas impurities are the most important potential hazards, so safety is an important consideration. In this paper, the leakage and diffusion of carbon dioxide and its impurity hydrogen sulfide were simulated and analyzed by using the PHAST software, leading to the simulation of the most dangerous conditions. And through the simulation and analysis of the dangerous conditions on the carbon dioxide pipeline transportation, the maximum safety distance of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide gas diffusion were determined, and the appropriate stop valve spacing was selected. Quantitative analysis and evaluation of the safety of carbon dioxide pipeline transportation was conducted, which can be used as reference for the future development of carbon dioxide pipeline standards.
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