引用本文:刘盛兵,徐旭,贾长青,刘坤,古冉,赵松,等. 应急管理系统在高含硫气田开发过程中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 116-120.
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针对高含硫气田开发的高风险特征,四川某高含硫气田作业区建立了基于GIS技术的应急管理系统。该系统集成了气田的安全控制中心、应急预案体系、安全预警系统、社区报警系统、社区应急疏散系统和生产、气象、地理、人居等数据模块,结合真实生产工艺及设备三维实景,实现了气田生产可视化、异常可视化、应急可视化,形成了一套高含硫气田安全高效开发应急管理系统,提升了安全管控能力,可为类似气田的开发应急管理提供借鉴。 
关键词:  应急管理  高含硫气田  开发  应用
Application of emergency management system in the development of high sulfur gas field
Liu Shengbing1, Xu Xu2, Jia Changqing2, Liu Kun1, Gu Ran1, Zhao Song1, Yu Qingxiu1
1. Safety, Environment and Technology Supervision Research Institute of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. International Business Cooperation Department of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In view of the high-risk characteristics of high sulfur gas field development, an operator of high sulfur gas field in Sichuan has established an emergency management system based on GIS technology. The system integrates the safety control center, emergency plan system, safety early warning system, community emergency alarm system, community emergency evacuation system and data modules such as production, meteorology, geography, and human settlements in the gas field, and combines real production techniques and equipment with three-dimensional reality. Thus, the visualization of gas field production, abnormal visualization, and emergency visualization have been realized, and a set of safe and efficient emergency management systems for the development of high-sulfur gas fields has been formed, and the security control ability has been improved, which can provide reference for the development and emergency management of similar gas fields.
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