引用本文:蒋芙蓉,周筱,张伟. 基于建筑物布局的H2S气体扩散流场特征分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(3): 110-115, 120.
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为研究不同建筑物布局情况下的H2S气体扩散流场分布情况,利用CFX计算流体力学软件,针对7种建筑物布局条件的H2S气体扩散流场进行数值模拟研究,并基于某天然气净化厂综合楼区域进行实例验证,得到以下结论:①气体流速停滞区域的大小与建筑物布局形式关系密切,在建筑物间距处气流速度增大,在建筑物背风面容易出现气流的停滞区;②建筑物迎风面宽度越宽,其背风面气流停滞区与面积越大;③使用CFX数值模拟软件,能够较好地模拟复杂建筑物布局情况下的气流运动,为发生H2S气体泄漏事故后人员的逃生路线制定提供了理论依据。 
关键词:  建筑物布局  H2S  泄漏扩散  数值模拟
Characteristic analysis of H2S gas diffusion flow field based on buildings layout
Jiang Furong, Zhou Xiao, Zhang Wei
Zhongxian Branch of Chongqing Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Zhongxian, Chongqing, China
In order to study the distribution of H2S gas diffusion flow field in different building layout, CFX computational fluid dynamics software was used to simulate the H2S gas diffusion flow field under seven different building layout conditions in this paper. Furthermore, an example of verification was presented based on the building complex of a natural gas purification plant. The conclusions were listed as follows:(1) the stagnant area of gas velocity is closely related to the building layout, and the dead zone often occurs on the leeward side of the buildings while the air velocity would increase at the gap between the buildings; (2) the larger the width of the windward side of buildings is, the greater the stagnant area and area of leeward side of buildings are; (3) the CFX could be applied to simulate the air flow movement in complex building layout properly and provided a theoretical basis for the establishment of escape route after H2S gas leakage accident.
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