引用本文:周军,何能家,梁光川,文韵豪,黄文,侯洋. 凝析油处理系统能量利用方案优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 1-6.
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1.西南石油大学;2.中国石油规划总院;3.西南管道重庆输油气分公司 ;4.广州石油培训中心安全工程教学部
关键词:  凝析油  综合能耗  换热效率  进料位置  HYSYS模拟  燃料气成本
Optimization of energy utilization scheme for condensate treatment system
Zhou Jun1, He Nengjia1, Liang Guangchuan1, Wen Yunhao2, Huang Wen3, Hou Yang4
1. Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. PetroChina Planning and Engineering Institute, Beijing, China;3. Southwest Pipeline Chongqing Oil and Gas Branch, Chongqing, China;4. Guangzhou Petroleum Training Center Safety Engineering Department, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
In order to make full use of the pressure energy, the domestic condensate treatment system mostly adopts the multi-stage depressurization flash + stripping stabilization process. The condensate stabilization will consume a large amount of heat source, the form of condensate treatment system heat exchange are relatively simple, and the heat exchange network is not optimized enough, resulting in more waste of waste heat resources. In order to save the energy and consumption, and achieve the goal of economic green production, it is necessary to optimize the energy consumption of the condensate treatment system and propose a transformation plan. Taking the YM condensate treatment system as an example, through the optimization study of the energy utilization scheme of the condensate treatment system, after the sequential heat exchange and the wide-channel heat exchanger optimization, the heat transfer efficiency of the condensate treatment system was greatly improved. The annual fuel gas cost could be reduced by 954 000 yuan, and the reformation investment could be recouped in one year. The economic benefit of the treatment plant was improved, and the comprehensive energy consumption of unit product was reduced.
Key words:  condensate  comprehensive energy consumption  heat exchange efficiency  feed position  HYSYS simulation  fuel gas cost