引用本文:崔晓霞,刘刚,盛清涛,申峻,王玉高,牛艳霞. 双核磺化酞菁钴与硫化钠反应的伏安法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 7-14.
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PDS脱硫法有效解决了氰化氢中毒问题,得到许多企业的青睐,但副盐问题仍然是目前整个脱硫行业十分关注 的话题。采用循环伏安法对PDS脱硫体系中双核磺化酞菁钴(bi-CoPc)与硫化钠的反应过程进行了研究。结 果表明:Na2S和Na2Sx在玻碳电极上的氧化反应是受浓度扩散控制的不 可逆反应,且S2-向S8的转化并不是一步完成,而是先转化成S2- Sx,进而再生成S8。此外,参与反应的S2-仅有20%转化为S8。S2-x以S2-2~S29中的某两种形式为主要存在形式,且Sx2-的存在形式可能对于S8的生成速率和生成量有一定影响。bi-CoPc在水溶液中易与OH-形成配合物,加入碳酸盐缓冲溶液,可降低配合物的形成能力,同时,Co+/Co2+的氧化还原反应更易发生。bi-CoPc与Na2S反应先生成S2-2,然后S2-2可转化为更长链的S2-x,最终形成S8。该研究结果有助于加深对脱硫机理的了解,同时,对降低副产物生成有一定的指导意义。
关键词:  湿法脱硫  双核磺化酞菁钴  硫化钠  伏安法  多硫离子
Voltammetry study on the reaction between binuclear sulfonated phthalocyanine cobalt and sodium sulfide
Cui Xiaoxia, Liu Gang, Sheng Qingtao, Shen Jun, Wang Yugao, Niu Yanxia
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
PDS desulfurization method has been applied widely because of effectively solving the problem of hydrogen cyanide poisoning. However, the by-products problem is still a hotspot concerned in whole desulfurization field at present. The reaction between binuclear sulfonated phthalocyanine cobalt (bi-CoPc) and sodium sulfide was studied by the cyclic voltammetry in this paper. The results showed that the oxidation reaction of Na2S and Na2Sx on glassy carbon electrode was an irreversible process controlled by concentration diffusion. And the transformation from S2- to S8 was not a one-step process, but firstly transformed into the intermediate, S2-x, then further generated S8. Moreover, it was deduced that only 20% of S2- involved in the reaction was converted into S8. S2- xhad two main existing forms within the range from S2-2 to S2-9, and their forms might have influences on the formation rate and production amount of S8. Bi-CoPc could be more readily form the coordination complex with OH- in aqueous solution than in carbonate buffer system, but the redox reaction of Co+/Co2+ is easier in carbonate buffer system than in aqueous system. Meanwhile, S2-2 was formed firstly in the reaction between bi-CoPc and Na2S, S2- 2then could transformed into S2- xwith a longer chain, finally formed S8. It was helpful for us to understand the mechanism of PDS desulfurization, and it also had guiding significance for reducing the formation of by-products.
Key words:  wet desulfurization  binuclear sulfonated phthalocyanine cobalt  sodium sulfide  voltammetry  polysulfide ions