引用本文:刘梅梅,张引弟,薛鹏,邱伊婕. LNG冷能用于朗肯循环和CO2液化新工艺[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 43-49.
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针对CO2排放过量的问题,提出了两种利用液化天然气冷能进行朗肯循环发电和液化CO2的新工艺流程。流程1在常规朗肯循环的基础上增加了再热循环和回热循环;流程2在保证预冷和液化CO2所需冷能不变的情况下,在流程1的基础上集成了氮气液化系统,目的是降低蒸发器内冷热物流的品位差,提高蒸发器的火用效率。分析了烟气温度、循环工质压力和流量对流程比功和火用效率的影响。模拟计算得到,流程1、流程2的火用效率分别可达到49.70%和49.80%,对应比功分别为237.70 kJ/kg LNG和235.20 kJ/kg LNG,CO2的液化率为0.60 kg/kg LNG。结合具体实例进行计算,证明新流程具有良好的经济效益和环境效益。
关键词:  LNG冷能  液化CO2  朗肯循环火用效率  敏感性分析
New processes for LNG cold energy utilized in Rankine cycle and CO2 liquefaction
Liu Meimei, Zhang Yindi, Xue Peng, Qiu Yijie
Petroleum Engineering College, Yangtze University, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Based on the problems of excessive CO2 emission, two new processes that liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold energy is utilized for Rankine cycle power generation and CO2 liquefaction are proposed. Process 1 adds a reheat cycle and a regenerative cycle to the conventional Rankine cycle. Ensuring the cold energy required for pre-cooling and liquefying CO2 to maintain constant, the process 2 integrates the nitrogen liquefaction system based on the process 1 to reduce the grade difference of the hot and cold streams in the evaporator and improve the exergy efficiency of the evaporator. The effects of exhaust gas temperature, circulating refrigerant pressure and flow rate on process specific work and exergy efficiency were analyzed. The simulation results show that the exergy efficiency of process 1 and 2 is 49.70% and 49.80% respectively, the specific work is 237.70 kJ/kg LNG and 235.20 kJ/kg LNG, and the same liquefaction rate of CO2 is 0.60 kg/kg LNG. The calculation with a specific example proves that the new processes have good economic and environmental benefits.
Key words:  LNG cold energy  CO2 liquefaction  Rankine cycle  exergy efficiency  sensitivity analysis