引用本文:王浩,史永征,刘蓉,菅海瑞. 天然气管道加热用浸没燃烧换热器设计及应用分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 50-56.
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浸没燃烧技术应用于天然气管道加热较为新颖,该技术核心在于换热器的设计。介绍了浸没燃烧换热器的设计方法,设计出200 kW浸没燃烧换热器并在北京某门站供暖期内投入使用,以解决调压器的冻堵问题。利用实测数据计算管内、管外对流换热系数,通过数据拟合计算得到额定设计工况下的实际综合传热系数,进而对设计综合传热系数进行修正。计算结果表明,设计综合传热系数的修正系数为1.56。再通过实际管外对流换热系数反算得到水浴最大流速值,拟合得到功率与水浴最大流速的关系式,利用加热装置在120 kW稳定运行时的实测数据进行验证,水浴最大流速计算结果误差率为6.67%,可以为相同类型的浸没燃烧换热器设计提供参考。
关键词:  换热器  管内、管外对流换热系数  实际综合传热系数  设计综合传热系数  管外水浴最大流速
Design and application analysis of submerged combustion heat exchanger for natural gas pipeline heating
Wang Hao, Shi Yongzheng, Liu Rong, Jian Hairui
School of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing, China
Submerged combustion technology is a novel technology for natural gas pipeline heating. The core of the technology lies in the design of the heat exchanger. The design method of submerged combustion heat exchanger is introduced in this paper. The 200 kW submerged combustion heat exchanger is designed and put into use during the heating period of a gate station in Beijing. The measured data were used to calculate heat transfer coefficient of the convection inside and outside the tube, and the actual comprehensive heat transfer coefficient under rated design conditions was obtained through data fitting calculation, and then the comprehensive heat transfer coefficient of the design was modified. The calculation results showed that the modified comprehensive heat transfer coefficient of the design was 1.56. Through actual heat transfer coefficient of convection outside tube calculated by maximum velocity of water bath outside the tube, fitting for the relation between the power and the maximum velocity of water bath, using of heating equipment in the 120 kW and stable operation of the measured data validation, water bath maximum velocity calculation error rate is 6.67%. This method can provide a reference for the same type of submerged combustion heat exchanger design.
Key words:  heat exchanger  heat transfer coefficient of convection inside and outside the tube  actual comprehensive heat transfer coefficient  designed comprehensive heat transfer coefficient  maximum velocity of water bath outside the tube