引用本文:杨雨林,陈小榆,何杰,张磊,王锐. 乙烷回收改进流程用能分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 61-68.
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在国内油气田提质增效工作大力开展的背景下,改进设计出了两种高效乙烷回收流程, 即带丙烷制冷的RSV改进流程(RSV-PC)与带自冷循环和吸收塔的分流换热乙烷回收流程(SHIA)。通过HYSYS软件模拟,对改进的两种高效流程进行了能耗分析与火用分析。分析结果表明:相同乙烷回收率下,SHIA流程比RSV-PC流程节省能耗15.3%,节能优势明显;通过火用分析的方法分析两种流程能耗差异发现,SHIA与RSV-PC两种流程的主要火用损差异体现在换热器LNG-101、制冷系统二级压缩机K-105以及外输压缩机K-103三种设备上,且三种设备的总火用损量占各自流程总火用损量的76%以上。 
关键词:  乙烷回收  流程改进  能耗分析火用分析
Energy analysis of ethane recovery improvement process
Yang Yulin1, Chen Xiaoyu1, He Jie2, Zhang Lei3, Wang Rui2
1. School of Oil and Natural Gas Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Drilling Division of China National Petroleum Corporation Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd, Beijing, China;3. PetroChina Planning and Engineering Institute, Beijing, China
In the context of vigorous development of domestic oil and gas field upgrading and efficiency improvement, two high-efficiency ethane recovery processes were put forward:recycle split vapor with propane cycle (RSV-PC), and split heat-exchanging process with internal refrigeration and absorber(SHIA). Through HYSYS software simulation, the energy efficiency analysis and exergy analysis of the two improved high-efficiency processes were carried out. The analysis results show that under the same ethane recovery rate, the SHIA process saves 15.3% energy consumption compared with the RSV-PC process, and the energy saving advantage is obvious. By the method of exergy analysis, the difference in energy consumption between the two processes is that the main exergy loss difference between SHIA and RSV-PC is reflected in three devices:heat exchanger LNG-101, refrigeration system secondary compressor K-105 and external compressor the K-103.The total exergy loss of the three devices accounts for 76% of the total exergy losses of the respective processes.
Key words:  ethane recovery  process improvement  energy consumption analysis  exergy analysis