引用本文:姚彬,郭玉洁,曾文广,张江江,曾凤,曾德智. 塔河油田某注采井生产油管腐蚀失效分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 69-73.
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1.中国石油化工股份有限公司西北油田分公司石油工程技术研究院 ;2.“油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室”·西南石油大学
塔河油田某注采井在修井起出管柱过程中发现油管柱出现了腐蚀穿孔和断脱。为了找到腐蚀失效原因,并采取针对性的防护措施保证井筒安全,通过对油管管材的理化性能测试、冲击性能测试、拉伸性能测试,结合扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)等腐蚀特征及腐蚀产物表征分析方法,对井下管柱进行了腐蚀失效分析。结果 表明,油管腐蚀是由H2S-CO2-Cl--H2O体系引起的电化学腐蚀,以CO2腐蚀为主,同时存在H2S腐蚀,Cl-对腐蚀穿孔有一定的促进作用。建议添加缓蚀剂或对油管添加表面涂层、镀层、油管衬里,提高油管服役寿命。 
关键词:  油管  CO2腐蚀  H2S腐蚀  穿孔  失效分析
Corrosion failure analysis of production tubing of an injection well in Tahe oilfield
Yao Bin1, Guo Yujie1, Zeng Wenguang1, Zhang Jiangjiang1, Zeng Feng2, Zeng Dezhi2
1. Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute, Northwest Oil Field Branch, Sinopec, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
It is discovered that corrosion perforation and breakage of the tubing stringhappened in the process of well repair at an injection-production well in Tahe oilfield. In order to find out the cause of corrosion failure, and take specific protective measures to ensure the safety of wellhole, the corrosion failure analysis of downhole pipe string was carried out by means of physical and chemical test, impact test, tensile test, and combined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), characterization analysis of corrosion products. The results show that the corrosion of tubing is electrochemical corrosion which was caused by H2S-CO2-Cl--H2O system. The CO2 corrosion is dominant, and H2S corrosion exists at the same time. Cl- has a certain promoting effect on corrosion perforation. It suggests adding corrosion inhibitors or taking a surface coating, plating, and tubing lining to improve service life of oil pipe.
Key words:  tubing  CO2 corrosion  H2S corrosion  perforation  failure analysis