引用本文:郭枭驰,史宝成,张兴凯,伍丽娟,刘凯,张引弟. 基于火用分析的天然气净化工艺优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 1-8.
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为了降低天然气净化系统的综合能耗,提高净化效果,以延长某气田气质条件为研究基础,在保证净化气满足LNG加工要求的同时,以原处理数据为优化对象,开展了天然气净化工艺优化研究。本研究基于Aspen Plus的流程模拟进行了技术性和经济性的综合对比,利用单因素灵敏度分析法确定了再生塔的液相回流比、塔板数等工艺参数,利用用能系统节能分析方法对换热过程进行分析,对现有净化系统提出了工艺改造优化方案。优化结果表明,优化后的系统净化效果更好,综合能耗有效降低,火用效率提升了9%。 
关键词:  天然气净化  LNG  Aspen Plus  流程模拟  用能系统  节能分析火用分析
Optimization of natural gas purification process based on exergy analysis
Guo Xiaochi, Shi Baocheng, Zhang Xingkai, Wu Lijuan, Liu Kai, Zhang Yindi
School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan, Hubei, China
In order to reduce the comprehensive energy consumption of natural gas purification system and improve the purification effect, based on the gas condition of a Yanchang gas field, the natural gas purification process optimization study was developed to optimize the original data while ensuring that the purified gas met the requirements of LNG processing. Based on the process simulation of Aspen Plus, the technical and economic comprehensive comparison was carried out, and the single factor sensitivity analysis method was used to determine the parameters of regenerator such as the reflux ratio and the number of stages. The heat transfer process was analyzed using the energy saving method of the existing purification system, and the modification process was recommended. The optimization results showed that the optimized system had better purification effect, the comprehensive energy consumption was effectively reduced, and the exergy efficiency was improved by 9%.
Key words:  natural gas purification  LNG  Aspen Plus  process simulation  energy system  energy saving analysis  exergy analysis