引用本文:马崇彦,李永生,庾年伟. 硫磺回收装置液硫池废气回收技术及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 30-33, 38.
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为了节能减排,降低天然气净化厂排放烟气中SO2质量浓度,利用中压蒸汽作为动力,通过抽射器将液硫池废气抽入克劳斯炉,并通过低压蒸汽对废气进行预热,防止硫蒸气冷凝。研究了克劳斯系统在不同负荷下,液硫池废气进入克劳斯炉后,对降低排放烟气中SO2质量浓度的影响。通过技术改造的实施应用,达到降低排放烟气中SO2质量浓度的目的,同时对联合装置平稳生产未产生影响,为同类硫磺回收工艺装置降低SO2排放提供了参考。 
关键词:  液硫池  SO2  克劳斯炉  烟气
Technology and application of waste gas recovery from liquid sulfur tank of sulfur recovery unit
Ma Chongyan, Li Yongsheng, Yu Nianwei
Sinopec Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd., Dazhou, Sichuan, China
In order to save energy and reduce emission, aiming to reduce SO2 mass concentration in flue gas emission of natural gas purification plant, using medium pressure steam as power, the liquid sulfur pool exhaust gas was pumped into Claus furnace through ejector, and the exhaust gas was preheated by low pressure steam to prevent sulfur vapor condensation. After the liquid sulfur pool exhaust gas enters Claus furnace under different loads of Claus system, the effect on reducing SO2 mass concentration in flue gas was studied. Through the implementation and application of technical transformation, the SO2 mass concentration in flue gas has been reduced, and the stable production of the combined plant has not been affected. It could provide a reference for similar sulfur recovery process units to reduce SO2 emission.
Key words:  liquid sulfur pool  sulfur dioxide  Claus furnace  flue gas