引用本文:王会强,朱连盷,缪竹平,王瑞. 大型硫磺回收装置尾气提标单元问题分析及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 24-29.
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介绍了大型硫磺回收装置尾气提标单元的运行现状及络合铁脱硫工艺的特点。阐述了尾气提标单元在实际生产过程中遇到的脱硫反应器填料层积硫、压滤机效率及循环溶液质量控制等问题,并详细分析了引起的原因。采用增设脱硫反应器跨线、更换填料及增大溶液循环量等方法,在非停工状态下彻底解决了填料层积硫问题。尾气提标部分反应器填料压降在合理范围内,且排放尾气中SO2质量浓度≤10 mg/m3,远低于国家最新环保标准,可为同类装置的技术改造提供参考。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  尾气提标  络合铁脱硫工艺  SO2排放
Analysis on the problems and countermeasures of tail gas standard lifting unit of large sulfur recovery plant
Wang Huiqiang, Zhu Liantian, Miao Zhuping, Wang Rui
PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company Limited, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
The running status of tail gas standard lifting part of large scale sulfur recovery plant and the characteristics of the desulfurization process of CTS complex iron were introduced. The problems of sulfur accumulation in the packing layer of desulfurization reactor, the efficiency of filter press and the quality control of circulating solution in the actual production of exhaust gas standard raising unit were described, and the causes were analyzed in detail. The problem of sulfur accumulation in the packing layer was completely solved in the non-shutdown state by adding additional desulfurization reactors, replacing fillers and increasing the circulating rates of solution. The pressure drop of some reactor fillers in tail gas standards was within a reasonable range, and SO2 mass concentration in tail gas emission≤10 mg/m3, which was far below the latest environmental protection national standards. The experience could provide reference for the technical transformation of similar devices.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  tail gas standard lifting  CTS complex iron  SO2 emission