引用本文:刘婷婷,胡耀强,高明星,易冬蕊,鲍文,李鹤. 组合型水合物抑制剂评价及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 39-41, 55.
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陕西延长石油( 集团) 有限责任公司研究院
针对陕北地区冬季气温较低,天然气采气管线生产过程中容易形成水合物堵塞管道及设备的问题,为了替代甲醇,开展了新型水合物抑制剂的筛选评价室内研究,筛选出了一种用于防止采气管线水合物形成的组合型水合物抑制剂,并在此基础上进行了现场试验应用。试验结果表明,该型抑制剂加注量在2.0%(w)时,抑制时间超过1400 min;采出水处理后悬浮物(SS)的质量浓度降至4.8 mg/L,油质量浓度小于15 mg/L,pH值小于8,该抑制剂有助于水处理过程,处理后水质完全满足SY/T 6596-2016《气田水注入技术要求》。
关键词:  天然气水合物  抑制剂  现场应用  水处理
基金项目:陕西延长石油( 集团) 有限责任公司项目“环保型抑制剂与现有气田工艺的适应性研究”( ycsy2018ky-B-19)
Evaluation and application of a combined natural gas hydrate inhibitor
Liu Tingting, Hu Yaoqiang, Gao Mingxing, Yi Dongrui, Bao Wen, Li He
Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
In order to solve the problem that gas hydrate is easy to form and block the pipeline equipment in the process of natural gas gathering and transportation, a combined hydrate inhibitor is screened by the experiment in this paper and used in the gas field to verify its safety and validity. The experimental results showed that when the inhibitor concentration was 2.0 wt%, the inhibition time was more than 1400 min. The concentration of suspended solid (SS) of treated gas field water is 4.8 mg/L, oil concentration is 15 mg/L, and pH value is less than 8. Treated water quality meets the SY/T 6596-2016 Requirement of Recommended Practice for Produced-water Reinjection in Gas Field.
Key words:  natural gas hydrate  inhibitor  field application  water treatment