引用本文:段旭,王志强,马军,韩路,赵晓理,宫敬. 河北省供暖季天然气负荷与气温关系分析研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 42-48.
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1.中国石油大学(北京)油气管道输送安全国家工程实验室/石油工程教育部重点实验室/ 城市油气输配技术北京市重点实验室 ;2.中国石油天然气销售北方公司
关键词:  天然气负荷  气温  回归分析  气温累积效应  供暖季
Analysis of relationship between natural gas load and air temperature in heating season in Hebei Province
Duan Xu1, Wang Zhiqiang2, Ma Jun2, Han Lu2, Zhao Xiaoli2, Gong Jing1
1. China University of Petroleum (Beijing)/National Engineering Laboratory for Pipeline Safety/MOE Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering/Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Oil and Gas Distribution Technology, Beijing, China;2. North Branch Natural Gas Marketing Company, Beijing, China
Air temperature is a key factor affecting the natural gas load in the heating season. Based on the historical data of daily gas consumption and air temperature in the heating season in Hebei Province, the correlation degree is compared by calculating the correlation coefficient between the gas consumption and the daily average air temperature, maximum air temperature and minimum air temperature. The regression analysis and binary regression analysis are performed respectively.Regression equation is obtained to predict the gas consumption in the next heating season without major policy changes. By comparison, the fitting and forecasting results of the binary regression are better. Considering the influence of the accumulation effect of air temperature on the gas consumption in the heating season, the temperature is corrected by using different air temperature accumulation effect coefficients selected according to the different daily air temperature. The calculation results show that the accuracy is improved after temperature is corrected. In general, this study provides a reference for more accurate prediction of natural gas load by analyzing the relationship between natural gas load and air temperature during the heating season.
Key words:  natural gas load  air temperature  regression analysis  accumulative effect of temperature  heating season