引用本文:陈宇光,侯吉瑞,尚丹森,方舟. 弱碱ASP在Ⅲ类油层中长距离运移的采收率效果评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 72-76.
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1.中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院 ;2.中石油三次采油重点实验室低渗油田提高采收率应用基础理论研究室;3.石油工程教育部重点实验室
为了评价弱碱三元复合驱(ASP)在Ⅲ类油层长距离运移过程中提高采收率效果及影响因素,采用自主设计制造的30 m填砂长管物理模型进行弱碱三元复合体系驱油实验,对实验的驱油动态、黏度变化、界面张力变化、残余油分布规律进行研究。结果 表明:在平均渗透率为105.94ⅹ10-3 μm2的Ⅲ类油层中的填砂物理模型中,弱碱三元复合驱能有效地注入到地层中,提高采收率幅度比水驱采收率高17.06%;黏度在近井地带提高采收率效果最好;弱碱三元复合体系的超低界面张力在地层中仅仅维持8.9 m;地层近井地带残余油较少,残余油在地层中深部区域大量聚集,这与弱碱三元复合体系在地层的黏度和界面张力变化有关。 
关键词:  弱碱三元复合驱  Ⅲ类油层  长距离运移  提高采收率
Evaluation on enhanced oil recovery effect of long-distance migration process of weak alkali ASP flooding in class Ⅲ oil layer
Chen Yuguang1,2,3, Hou Jirui1,2,3, Shang Dansen1,2,3, Fang Zhou1,2,3
1. Institute of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Science and Technology,China University of Petroleum-Beijing;2. Basic Theory Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Low Permeability Oilfields, Key Laboratory of Tertiary Oil Recovery, PetroChina;3. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development
In order to evaluate the enhanced oil recovery effect influencing factors of long-distance migration of weak alkali ASP flooding in class Ⅲ oil layer, this paper carried out the oil displacement experiment of weak alkali ASP system with using the independently designed and manufactured sand filling physical model of 30 m long pipe. The flooding dynamic, the changes of viscosity, interfacial tension and distribution of residual oil were studied. The results show that in the sand-filling physical model of class Ⅲ oil layer with an average permeability of 105.94×10-3 μm2, the weak alkali ASP flooding can be effectively injected into the layer, and increased recovery rate is 17.06% higher than water flooding recovery. The oil recovery effect for viscosity is the best in the near-well zone. The ultra-low interfacial tension of the weak alkali ASP system only maintains 8.9 m in the layer. The residual oil is slight in the near-well zone and a large amount of residual oil accumulates in the middle and deep areas of the layer. This is related to the change of viscosity and interfacial tension of weak alkali ASP system in the layer.
Key words:  weak alkali ASP flooding  class Ⅲ oil layer  long-distance migration  enhanced oil recovery