引用本文:邹剑,陈华兴,高尚,赵顺超,刘长龙,冯于恬. SZ36-1油田注聚井和聚驱受益油井堵塞物的组成及成因对比分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 77-82.
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关键词:  渤海油田  聚合物驱油  注聚受益油井  含聚堵塞物
基金项目:中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司“十三五”总公司重大专项子课题“锦州9-3及绥中36-1油田Ⅰ期储层深部伤害机理”(CNOOC-KJ 135 ZDXM 23LTD TJ 02)
Comparisons of component and formation mechanism of blockages in polymer flooding injection well and response well in SZ36-1 oilfield
Zou Jian, Chen Huaxing, Gao Shang, Zhao Shunchao, Liu Changlong, Feng Yutian
Tianjin Branch Company, CNOOC China Limited, Tianjin, China
As the development of polymer flooding, polymer contained blockage was appeared and the oil well production was decreased in SZ36-1 oilfield. In this paper, the components of blockage in polymer flooding injection well (PFIW) and response well (PFRW) were compared by several characterization methods firstly. The inorganic scale was the main substance in collected samples, the mass ratio of inorganic scale and organic scale in PFRW blockage was 4.0-5.5, which was much larger than that of PFIW (0.25-0.75). The inorganic scale mainly was Fe2O3 in PFIW and and CaCO3 in PFIW, and the organic scale was partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide. Then, the formation mechanisms of inorganic scale and organic scale in PFRW and PRIW were investigated, especially the formation mechanism of blockage in PFRW was studied. In the area which was close to the response oil well, there was a lot of Fe3+ in residual acid solution after the acidification operation, and when it was mixed with polymer flooding solution, Fe(OH)3 was formed as the pH increased and Fe2O3 blockage was formed after the oxidation. In addition, the cross-linked polymer blockage which was organic scale, was formed by the selective coordination between polymer and Fe3+ when the degraded polymer was mixed with Fe3+ solution in acid condition. The results in this paper are helpful for the targeted removal of plugging in PFRW or PRIW and preventive blockage in PRIW.
Key words:  Bohai oilfield  polymer flooding  polymer flooding response well  polymer-contained blockage