引用本文:朱信刚,袁长忠,张守献,王冠,于丹丹. 热采井恶臭气味处理研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 112-117.
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针对目前胜利油田部分稠油热采井井场出现难闻的恶臭气味,影响周围人员健康和稠油资源开发的问题,分析确定了恶臭气味主要成分为甲硫醇和乙硫醇。结合油井生产特点,研制了两种分别适于地面管线加药处理和井筒加药处理的恶臭气味处理剂,并考察了处理剂的硫容和脱硫反应速率。针对某恶臭气味热采井,对比开展了地面管线加药和井筒加药处理试验,井筒加药处理显示了较好的经济性。对胜利油田某区块7口井开展现场处理,将恶臭气体质量浓度由150~3300 mg/m3降至20 mg/m3以下,达到了油井安全生产要求。 
关键词:  稠油热采  恶臭气体  硫容  脱硫反应速率  加药方式
Experimental study and application on treatment of odor in thermal production wells
Zhu Xingang1, Yuan Changzhong2, Zhang Shouxian2, Wang Guan2, Yu Dandan2
1. Engineering Technology Management Center of Shengli Oil Field Branch, Sinopec, Dongying, Shandong, China;2. Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Shengli Oil Field Branch, Sinopec, Dongying, Shandong, China
Aiming at the problem of bad odor appearing in some thermal recovery wells of Shengli oilfield, which affects the health of the people around them and the exploitation of heavy oil resources, the main components of bad odor were identified as methyl mercaptan and ethyl mercaptan. According to the production characteristics of oil wells, two odor additives suitable for surface pipeline and wellbore additives were developed, whose sulfur capacity and desulfurization reaction rate of the additives were also investigated. In view of the bad odor problem of a thermal recovery well, the experiments of adding chemicals to surface pipelines and wellbore were carried out comparatively. The results showed that the latter showed better economy. Field treatment was carried out in 7 wells in a block of Shengli oilfield, and the odor concentration was reduced from 150-3300 mg/m3 to below 20 mg/m3, which met the safety production requirements of oil wells and supported the safe production of thermal recovery wells.
Key words:  thermal recovery of heavy oil  odor  sulfur content  desulfurization reaction rate  drug add method