引用本文:金龙,陈樑,吴永婷,胡贵斌. 基于云模型的埋地油气管道土壤腐蚀综合评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 118-124.
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1.昆明理工大学公共安全与应急管理学院;2.山东鲁轻安全评价技术有限公司 ;3.中国石油西气东输管道公司广东管理处
针对埋地油气管道土壤腐蚀影响因素复杂多变,土壤腐蚀评价指标与等级阈值存在随机性与模糊性问题,引入云模型作为数据挖掘与分析的工具,选用对土壤腐蚀影响较大的8个因素作为评价指标,并将腐蚀强度划分为由弱到强5个等级。在指标权重计算中将基于样本信息量的客观熵权法权重与基于专家经验G1法权重利用差异系数法进行调和,生成信任度更高的组合权重,通过组合权重与各指标的云隶属度得到评价体系的云最大综合隶属度,从而确定待评价土壤的腐蚀强度等级。将该模型应用于“西气东输”管道防腐工程中的7个土壤样本中,评价结果与防腐工程现场勘测结果一致,证明了该模型的有效性、科学性与工程应用性。 
关键词:  腐蚀与防护  安全工程  云模型  组合赋权  综合评价
Comprehensive evaluation of soil corrosion of buried oil and gas pipeline based on cloud model
Jin Long1,2, Chen Liang1, Wu Yongting2, Hu Guibin3
1. School of Public Safety and Emergency Management, Kunming University of Technology, Kunming, Yunnan,China;2. Shandong Luqing Safety Evaluation Technology Co., Ltd., Jinan, Shandong, China;3. Guangdong Department, PetroChina West-to-East Gas Pipeline Company, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
In view of the complex and changeable influencing factors of soil corrosion in buried oil and gas pipelines, and the randomness and fuzziness of soil corrosion evaluation index and grade threshold, cloud model is introduced as a tool for data mining and analysis, and eight factors which have a relatively great impact on soil corrosion are selected as evaluation indexes, and the corrosion intensity is divided into five Grades from weak to strong. In the calculation of index weight, the objective entropy weight method based on sample information and the G1 weight method based on expert experience are reconciled by difference coefficient method to generate a combination weight with higher confidence. The maximum comprehensive cloud membership degree of the evaluation system is obtained by combination weight and cloud membership degree of each index, so as to determine corrosion strength grade of the soil to be evaluated. The model is applied to seven soil samples in the anticorrosion project of the West-to-East Gas Pipeline. The evaluation results are consistent with the field survey results of the anticorrosion project, which proves the validity, scientificity and engineering application of the model.
Key words:  corrosion and protection  safety engineering  cloud model  combination weighting  comprehensive evaluation