引用本文:薛金召,牛小娟,崔秀梅,孔繁韬. 改变操作方式降低石油焦中挥发分含量[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 13-17.
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石油焦既是水泥、玻璃、电厂等行业的燃料,也是铝用碳素等行业不可或缺的原材料,焦化是唯一能生产石油焦的工艺过程。长期以来,中国石油乌鲁木齐石化公司1.20×106 t/a延迟焦化装置生产的石油焦仅能达到3A、3B及以下等级技术要求,利润率低下。分析发现,挥发分含量高是制约石油焦质量提升的关键因素。结合企业生产实际情况,在不增加设备投入的前提下,提出提高焦炭塔入口温度、降低“三泥”回炼量、增大焦炭塔大吹汽量等措施。结果 表明,该方案切实、可靠、可行,可将石油焦中挥发分质量分数降至12%以下,达到2A级质量标准,并使全厂2A、2B石油焦产量占比提高58%,以较低成本实现了石油焦产品的差异化发展路径。 
关键词:  延迟焦化  石油焦  挥发分含量  优化措施  产品差异化
Changing operation mode to reduce volatile content in petroleum coke
Xue Jinzhao1, Niu Xiaojuan2, Cui Xiumei3, Kong Fantao2
1. Hunan Petrochemical Vocational Technology College, Yueyang, Hunan, China;2. PetroChina Urumqi Petrochemical Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;3. PetroChina Jilin Petrochemical Company, Jilin, Jilin, China
Petroleum coke plays an important role in graphite manufacture, metal smelting, chemical industry and other fields. Coking process is the only way to produce petroleum coke. For a long time, the quality of petroleum coke produced by delayed coking devices in PetroChina Urumqi Petrochemical Company could only meet 3A,3B and lower quality standards, which led to poor competitive ability and low profit ratio. Correlated analysis showed that the key factor restricting quality improvement was the higher volatile content. Combined with the actual production, some constructive suggestions were put forward, such as increasing inlet temperature and purge steam quantity of coke drum, reducing the amount of recycled oily sludge, etc. Practice showed that the scheme was practical, reliable and feasible. The volatile of petroleum coke could be reduced to below 12%, which met grade 2A quality standard. And the output proportion was increased by 58%. Product difference strategy comes true at a lower cost.
Key words:  delayed coking  petroleum coke  volatile content  constructive suggestions  product difference