引用本文:聂凌,熊重寒,汤成,荆华,赵凯,高利. 络合铁脱硫工艺减缓硫堵硫沉积研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 24-29.
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在天然气脱硫净化过程中,络合铁脱硫工艺生成的硫磺发生沉积容易造成设备及管线堵塞,进而影响脱硫设备使用周期。通过长期跟踪研究川西海相气田CK1井及YS1井的实际生产过程,采取试验等方法归纳总结出一系列监测及减缓硫堵及硫沉积的措施。监测措施主要通过监测设备温度差及压力变化情况来评判设备硫堵及硫沉积的严重程度;减缓硫堵及硫沉积主要通过采用脱盐水及工厂风定期冲扫设备内部、控制脱硫药剂指标及生产运行参数、控制溶液再生情况及表面活性剂的添加量等措施。长期跟踪试验及结果表明,通过采取上述措施,可以有效达到监测与减缓硫堵及硫沉积的目的,延长脱硫设备运行周期。 
关键词:  络合铁  脱硫  硫堵  硫沉积  监测  使用周期
Research on the process of complex iron desulfurization to slow down sulfur plugging and deposition
Nie Ling, Xiong Zhonghan, Tang Cheng, Jing Hua, Zhao Kai, Gao Li
The First Gas Production Plant, Southwest Oil and Gas Company of Sinopec Group, Deyang, Sichuan, China
During the process of natural gas purification, the deposited sulfur generated from complexing iron desulfurization technology is easy to cause plugging of the equipment and pipeline, thus affecting the using period of desulfurization equipment. Based on the long-term follow-up studies of Sichuan CK1 Marine gas field well and YS1 well during actual production process, a series of monitoring and mitigation sulfur blockage and sulfur deposition measures were summarized by test method. Monitoring measures were mainly used to evaluate the severity of sulfur blockage and sulfur deposition by monitoring the temperature difference and pressure variation of the equipment. To slow down sulfur blockage and sulfur deposition, measures were taken to clean and sweep the internal equipment with desalted water and plant air, control desulfurization agent index and production and operation parameters, and control solution regeneration and surfactant addition, etc. Long-term follow-up tests and results showed that these measures could effectively achieve the purpose of monitoring and slowing down sulfur blockage and sulfur deposition, and prolong the running period cycle of desulfurization equipment.
Key words:  complex iron  desulfurization  sulfur blockage  sulfur deposition  monitoring  running period