引用本文:高志飞,郭立新,高辉. 高含凝析油集气站分离器运行参数数值分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 35-38.
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1.中国石化中原油田分公司勘探开发研究院 ;2.中国石化华北石油工程有限公司井下作业分公司
针对中原油田濮76断块沙三中气层现场凝析油产量异常偏低的现象,设计并开展了凝析气藏高压物性分析与分离器数值模拟实验,优化了濮76断块高含凝析油气藏的地面分离条件。高压物性分析表明,该区块凝析油质量浓度为523 g/m3,属于高含凝析油气藏。应用PVT专业软件,拟合该区块流体的高压物性参数,并利用该软件的分离器模拟功能模拟了集气站分离器运行时的温度、压力和分离级数等参数,进行了相关参数的优化实验研究。研究结果表明:二级分离模式下,通过提高一级分离器压力,凝析油产量最高可以由目前的15.0 t/d达到25.1 t/d左右;三级分离模式下最高可以提高产量到26.1 t/d,相对于二级模式提高4%,结合集气站设备固化和区块控制储量较小的情况,二级分离模式更适合濮76断块集气站。 
关键词:  分离条件优化  凝析气藏  PVT实验  数值模拟
Numerical analysis of operating parameters for separator of high condensate gas gathering station
Gao Zhifei1, Guo Lixin2, Gao Hui1
1. Zhongyuan Oilfield, Sinopec, Puyang, Henan, China;2. Downhole Operation Branch of North China Petroleum Engineering Co. Ltd., Sinopec, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
The PVT analysis and separator numerical simulation experiment are carried out in combination with the abnormally low production of condensate oil in the gas reservoir of Pu76 fault block in Zhongyuan Oilfield. The surface separation conditions of high condensate oil and gas reservoir in Pu76 fault block are optimized. The PVT test indicates that this block belongings to a high condensate oil and gas reservoir for the condensate oil content of 523 g/m3. Numerical simulation experiments under different temperatures, pressures and separation stages are carried out after fitting the experimental parameters. The results shows that in the two-stage separation mode, the recovery of condensate is effectively improved by increasing the pressure of the first-stage separator, and the output of condensate can be reached from the current 15.0 t/d to about 25.1 t/d. Under the three-stage separation mode, it can be increased to 26.1 t/d, which is 4% higher than the two-stage mode.
Key words:  separation optimization  condensate gas reservoir  PVT test  numerical simulation