引用本文:王小强,田亮,程中克,常桂祖,李博,孟宏. 乙烯裂解炉模拟优化软件现状及其应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 44-48.
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裂解炉是乙烯装置的核心反应装置,对裂解炉进行计算机模拟优化计算,并实施优化计算结果,是保证乙烯裂解装置高效、平稳、安全、长周期稳定运行的重要手段。乙烯裂解炉计算机模拟优化软件开发的核心是裂解反应动力学模型。对以经验模型、分子反应模型及自由基机理模型3种裂解反应动力学模型为基础的SPYRO、EpSOS等乙烯裂解炉模拟优化软件系统,做了开发和应用情况介绍,指出乙烯裂解炉模拟优化软件系统在蒸汽热裂解生产乙烯中具有重要应用价值,其研发和应用应得到充分重视。 
关键词:  乙烯  裂解炉  模拟优化  软件
Present situation and application of simulation and optimization software for ethylene cracking furnace
Wang Xiaoqiang, Tian Liang, Cheng Zhongke, Chang Guizu, Li Bo, Meng Hong
PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
The cracking furnace is core reactor of ethylene plant. The computer simulation and optimization calculation of cracking furnace and the implementation of optimization calculation results are important means to ensure the ethylene cracking unit to run efficiently, steadily, safely and stably for a long period. The core of computer simulation and optimization software development for ethylene cracking furnace is the kinetic model of cracking reaction. Based on 3 kinetic models of pyrolysis reaction:empirical model, molecular reaction model and free radical mechanism model, the development and application of simulation and optimization software systems for ethylene cracking furnaces, such as SPYRO and EpSOS are introduced. It is pointed out that simulation and optimization software system for ethylene cracking furnaces has important application value in ethylene production by steam pyrolysis. Its research and development and application should be given adequate attention.
Key words:  ethylene  cracking furnace  simulation and optimization  software