引用本文:范伟东,王翔,郭继香,刘磊,程仲富,曹畅,等. 流动型态对气液总压降的影响实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 59-64.
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1.中国石油化工股份有限公司西北油田分公司工程技术研究院 ;2.中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院
针对深层稠油在井筒举升过程中形成多相混合流体造成原油举升困难的问题,采用高温高压井筒模拟装置,在高温高压实验数据基础上,依据前人模型,推导并修正得出油气水三相压降计算模型,实验数据与模型拟合度高达0.98以上,并得出不同气液比下的气相分布因数Cog值。实验结果表明,泡状流的Cog值最小,气相分散程度高,气液混合物分布均匀,对气液总压降的降低效果最为显著。因此,气液流态保持在泡状流区间,更有利于生产。流动型态对气液总压降的研究为稠油开采中举升压降的精确预测提供了新的思路。 
关键词:  塔河稠油  多相流  压降模型  气相分布因数  泡状流
Experimental study on the effect of flow patterns on gas-liquid total pressure drop
Fan Weidong1, Wang Xiang2, Guo Jixiang2, Liu Lei1, Cheng Zhongfu1, Cao Chang1, Xing Yu1
1. Engineering Technology Research Institute of Northwest Oilfield Branch of Sinopec, Urumchi, Xinjiang, China;2. Institute of Unconventional Petroleum Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum (Beijing),Beijing, China
Aiming at the difficulty of oil lifting caused by the formation of multi-phase mixed fluid in deep heavy oil during wellbore lifting, the calculation model of oil-gas-water three-phase pressure drop is derived and revised based on the experimental data of high temperature and high pressure by using high temperature and high pressure wellbore simulation device. The fitting degree between experimental data and the model is over 0.98, and the gas-liquid distribution under different gas-liquid ratios is obtained, which is Cog value. The experimental results show that the Cog value of bubbly flow is the smallest, the degree of gas dispersion is high, and the gas-liquid mixture is evenly distributed, which has the most significant effect on reducing the total pressure drop of gas-liquid. Therefore, keeping the gas-liquid flow pattern in the bubble flow zone is more conducive to production. The study on the influence of flow pattern on gas-liquid total pressure drop provides a new idea for accurate prediction of lift-up pressure drop in heavy oil recovery.
Key words:  Tahe heavy oil  multiphase flow  pressure drop model  gas phase distribution factor  bubbly flow